Congratulations on your purchase of the Mission VM-PRO-
PZ™ Volume Pedal. This product is designed to be intuitive
to setup and operate, and to provide many years of trouble
free service. However, we recommend that you take a few
moments to read through this User Guide in order to get the
best possible experience with your new pedal.
The VM-PRO-PZ™ features a high quality on board buffer and
user selectable circuit modifications allow you to customize
the internal circuitry to match you particular rig. An isolated
tuner out allows you to tune your instrument without the
presence of the tuner detracting from your tone. The Mission
VM-PRO-PZ™ is designed to work with all electric guitars,
electro acoustic guitars, electric bass, and similar instruments.
The VM-PRO-PZ™ features a high quality on board buffer to
help maintain the frequency response of your instrument,
especially when using long cable runs and multiple effects
units that would otherwise result in a loss of signal quality.
The buffer is always on and requires no configuration. User
selectable circuit modifications allow you to customize the
internal circuitry to match you particular instrument and
signal chain. Selectable options include:
A. Active/passive pickup select.
B. Impedance selector for compatibility with vintage fuzz
and similar effects.
C. Mission Sparkle switch restores brightness when rolling
back volume.
An isolated tuner out allows you to tune your instrument
without the presence of the tuner detracting from your tone.
The tuner out requires the use of the Mission MCTRS-VMPRO
adapter, available separately.
Do not attempt to remove the baseplate or
change the internal battery while the pedal is connected to
an external power supply and/or amplifier. Make sure that
ALL external connections are removed before opening the
pedal. To reduce the risk of damage, avoid touching any
other components in the pedal. Do not attempt to use any
power supply with specifications other than those listed in
this manual. Check all cables and power supplies for signs of
damage before use. Do not connect damaged power supplies
or cables. Replace cables or power supplies showing any signs
of damage.
The VM-PRO-PZ™ can be powered either by an external power
supply or an internal 9v battery. The power supply circuit is
very flexible and can support DC power supplies from 9VDC-
18VDC. DO NOT connect any power supply with an output
greater that 18V. The power input is center pin negative with
a 2.1mm connector.
To replace the battery, first unplug the external power supply.
Switch of the amplifier and remove the cables from the pedal
to the amp and instrument. Open the battery access door on
the underside of the pedal. Unclip and remove the battery and
replace with a 9 volt equivalent.
The battery life can be extended by unplugging the IN jack
when not in use.
Connect your instrument to the jack marked IN with a standard
¼” mono (TS) instrument cable. Connect the jack marked OUT
to your amplifier. When using the pedal in conjunction with
other effects, it’s recommended that the guitar be connected
directly to the input and the VM-PRO-PZ™ be placed first in
the signal chain. If using a vintage style fuzz pedal connected
to the output of the VM-PRO-PZ™, select the fuzz compatible
impedance setting by following the instructions below (
If using high output and/or active pickups, select the active
setting by following the instructions below (
Mission recommends musical instrument cables manufactured
by Best-Tronics at www.guitar-cable.com and Lava Cables at
switch s
The VM-PRO-PZ™ features user switchable circuit
modifications that can be selected for compatibility with
different instruments and effects. The modifications can
be used individually or in sequence with each other. The
modifications are selected using a three six-position switch
block on the inside of the pedal.
Do not attempt to remove the baseplate or
make modifications to the internal settings while the pedal
is connected to an external power supply and/or amplifier.
Make sure that ALL external connections are removed before
opening the pedal. To reduce the risk of damage, try to avoid
Buffered Volume Pedal
for Piezo Electric pickups