miDoor: revision 0.01
Installation and Reference
© Mission Machines, Inc., 2012
change the time for daylights savings. The ‘Auto’ feature only works for The United States of
America and requires that a valid time zone be selected.
‘Enabled’ will enable (turn on) daylights savings time and ‘Disabled’ will disable (turn off)
daylights savings time.
Remember that after changing any field the ‘Save Config’ button must be pressed for the data
to be saved and used.
The ‘Reboot’ button is used to reboot the device. It is not recommended to reboot the device
unless new firmware has been programmed into the device.
miDoor receives the current time by using NTP. An NTP server must be configured with a
valid NTP server and there must be Internet connectivity to the miDoor device. NTP provides
UTC to miDoor but does not provide time zone or daylight savings time information. These
must be configured in the ‘Administrative’ page. See ‘Network Configuration’ page for NTP
and internet configuration.