Rev 1.0 • 18 Aug 10
5. Operation
Single-Destination Mode
In single destination mode, the panel’s destination is configured as the default destination and there
are no destination buttons. You cannot select a destination
it is already selected.
Takes are performed on all levels of the currently selected destination.
When the panel is an NV9602 extension, you can use a ‘Source Shift’ button to toggle between two
sets of sources. For a stand-alone NV9604, a source button represents a single source.
Takes occur as soon as a source button is pressed.
Single-Destination Mode with Breakaway
This mode requires the NV9604 to be an NV9602 extension.
This mode is a variant of single-destination mode that includes level buttons on the NV9602 and
that allows breakaway.
The single destination is configured as the default destination and you cannot select a destination
because it is already selected.
Level buttons select the levels on which the take is to occur. Takes occur on all levels when either
no levels are selected or when all levels are selected.
You can use a ‘Source Shift’ button (on the NV9602) to toggle between the two sets of sources.
Limited X-Y Mode
In limited X-Y mode, takes occur from a single source to a single destination. Destinations are
Takes are all level. Pressing a source button completes the take.
When the panel is an NV9602 extension, operators can use a ‘Source Shift’ button (on the
NV9602) to toggle between two sets of sources. Similarly, operators can use a ‘Destination Shift’
button (on the NV9602) to toggle between two sets of destinations.
Multi-Destination Mode
This mode requires the NV9604 to be an NV9602 extension.
Although an NV9602 can be configured in multi-destination mode, the buttons of the NV9604 do
not function as multi-destination buttons.
When the NV9602 is in multi-destination mode (and the NV9604 is its extension), it is possible to
use the NV9604 for salvo buttons, but nothing else.
Takes are all-level.
Button Legends
The NV9602 has about 20 different button functions. The NV9604 has at most 4. Some might not
be available on your panel depending on the operating mode in which it was configured. Typically,
buttons have graphic or text legends that are plastic inserts placed under the clear button caps.
There are button templates. Use these or your own to create button graphics. Print the graphics on
clear plastic, cut the button graphics apart and insert these under the button caps.