You can choose to have the lights always on.
Smart powersave
You can also initiate this special feature of MioMap. When running on battery Smart
Powersave will light up the screen only when you press or tap a button, or if MioMap
has something to show you. After a few seconds the light level decreases, and after
another few seconds the backlight turns off. This helps you achieve a longer battery
life. Brightness
You can set the backlight level separately for both daylight and night modes, thus
enhancing the effect of the night color scheme. The values are between 0 and 10,
where zero means there is no backlight at all, and 10 represents the maximum
backlight value.
6.5.3 User data management
Everything that was saved (pins, My POIs, Favorites, track logs etc.) or modified
(Settings, History lists) since MioMap was installed is stored in a user database
located in the internal memory of the Mio DigiWalker C310. Here you have options to
save, restore or reset the database or parts of it. Backup Data
You can make a safe copy of the whole user database on a memory card.
Tap this button to copy all user data and settings on the memory card. The backup is
always created with the same file name; so backing up data will always overwrite
previous backups.
Tip: If you wish to keep more versions of the user database, or you wish to save one
particular state (e.g. saved POIs and track logs of your holiday), look for the backup
file on the SD card, rename it, or save it to your PC.
Tip: If you move to another PNA, and you wish to keep your data and settings, make
a backup, remove the card, insert it into the other PNA, then return to this Settings
page, and push the Restore Data button as described in the next section. MioMap
will then restart, and all your previous POIs, track logs, settings, city and find history
lists will also appear on the new PNA .