This stylish but sturdy shelf unit will neatly hold your personal things—and you can build it in a day!
It may look lightweight and easy to topple, but don’t be fooled. This shelf tower is a real workhorse. Whether you make it for holding your books
or for showcasing family treasures, the basic construction is the same, and its open design won’t overpower any room. All the materials can be
purchased in home centers or lumberyards. The only special tools you’ll need are a power miter box for crisp angle cuts and an air-powered brad
nailer (or a hammer and finish nails could substitute) for quick assembly and almost invisible joints. And you’ll have to rustle up an old clothes iron
for applying oak edge-banding material. Once you’ve gathered the materials, you can build the shelf unit in an afternoon.
In this intermediate-level project, you’ll gain experience in laying out and making angle cuts, fastening and finishing edge veneer, assembling a
piece with several clamps, and working with an air nailer. And after you build it, you’ll learn more about applying stains and finishes to enhance the
wood’s natural beauty and ensure that it’s well protected.