Wheel Truing Stand
Instruction Manual
Thnak you for your purchasing Minoura “
” truing stand.
This Workman Pro is a wheel truing stand for stan-
dard bicycle with unique Auto-Centering system that
allows you to do almost every procedure such as
building or adjusting your bicycle wheel without any
tool such as a wheel centering gauge basically.
The frame is foldable for your easy storage and trans-
Please read this instruction manual carefully before
use and we hope you grow up your skills of the bi-
cycle wheel.
• Important Notes
A wheel truing stand is a utensil to measure the bal-
ance of the wheel.
Do not use Workman Pro as a
display stand or an indoor bicycle trainer.
This Workman Pro has a special method, auto-cen-
tering system, so you can finish building or checking
a wheel with only this truing stand basically. But we
suggest you to use a wheel centering gauge for your
complete wheel adjustment.
• Components
Both right and left arms are connected so they will
move together at the same time. When you open or
close the arms, you should hold both arms with your
both hands.
The arms have hollow on its top to hold the wheel
hub shaft.
When you install a wheel on the Workman Pro, fol-
low these processes.
At first, open the arms enough to install the wheel
hub shaft, and push down the wheel into the hollow
of the arms, then fix the quick release lever or tighten
the hub nut slightly.
The gauge plate for vertical shaking is located in the
center of the U-shaped gauge frame, and it has two
One is to measure the vertical shaking of the wheel,
and another one is to help adjustment for wheel cen-
tering process.
When you want measure the vertical shaking of the
wheel, put the U-shaped gauge frame close to the rim.
And put the gauge plate close to the rim surface with
rotating the knob bolts. The knob bolt has 0.1mm
level scales in its own surface. Do NOT touch the tip
of the gauge plate to the rim, otherwise your later pro-
cedure may be difficult.
Vertical Shaking
Gauge Knob
U-shaped Gauge
Vertical Shaking
Gauge Plate
Gauge Stay