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Page 2: ...INSTRUCTION MANUAL X 300s X 370n tr...
Page 3: ...flexibility exists in the X 3oOs z37Oruls match LED full metered manual mode For correct exposureat the metered value simply adjust aperture and or shutter speedto align blinking and glowing LEDs in...
Page 4: ...FOCUSING HOLDING CAMERA AND RELEASING SHUTTER Mounting cameraon tripod Self timer Eyepiececap R E W I N D I N G A N D U N L O A D I N G F I L M t C R E A T I V E C O N T R O L AE LOCK MANUAL EXPOSURE...
Page 5: ...ring release Sync contact Mounting indo Minimum re lock Disengage for useon X 3OOs z37ON Depth of field soale Safe Load Signal Monitors correct film advance Shutter release bufton Mode shutter speedwi...
Page 6: ...adjusted viewing meter readings Self timer with three rate blink i n g L E D Mode shutter speed selector Self timerLED Frontgrip MC coupler Lens mounting index Lengrelease button Strap eyelet Shutter...
Page 7: Film window Winder contact Battery cover Motor driveguide socket Take upspool Pressure plate Eack cover Rewind release Winder motor drive guide socket Winder motor drivecoupler Motor drive contacts...
Page 8: ...STRAP AND CASE Attach the strap provided and case optional as shown The strap includesa battery holder usedfor storing freshsparebatteries Eyepiececap...
Page 9: ...icmode 5 Load film properly and closecover p 14 6 Advancefilm to frame 1 and check Safe Load Signal p 1 5 2 Checkbattery power p 11 1 Slidemainswitchto ON p 1O 3 Set film speed lp 12l 4 Open back cove...
Page 10: ...8 Selectlensaperturs p 19 7 Set mode shutter speedse lectorto AUTO p 18 9 Adjust focus p 2O 11 Slidemainswitchto OFF p 10 12 Rewind and remove f ilm p 23 10 Release shutter lp 211...
Page 11: ...o the mount then turn the lensclockwiseuntil it locksinto placewith a click To remove While pressingthe lens release but ton turn the lenscounterclockwise as far asit will go then lift it out of the m...
Page 12: ...h Hold the batteries by their edgesand insertthem plus side up into the sleeve on the insideof the cover unscrew the battery cover counter clockwiseand remove it o Do not use 1 35V mercurybatteries MR...
Page 13: ...owever battery drain occurs only when the shutter release button is pressed so you may want to leave it on to avoid missingunexpectedshots Shutter release button Pressingthe shutter releasebutton with...
Page 14: ...d no LEDs light and the shutter locks Cold weather operation Since batteries tend to losepower as temperature drops always use fresh batteries when photographing in cold weather and keep a spareset wi...
Page 15: ...per exposure the cam era s film speed ring must be set to the correctfilm speed Setting f ilm speed While pressing the f ilm speed ring release turn the film speedring until the desired number lines u...
Page 16: ...nd crank and pull up on it to lift the back cover releaseknob Pull up on the knob until the cameraback springsopen 2 Leaving the knob pulled out position a 35mm film cartridge in the chamber with its...
Page 17: ...left hand slowly operate the film advanceleveruntil the film is wound firmly aroundthe take up spool the sprocket teeth are engaged with holes on both edgesof the film and the slack in the film is tak...
Page 18: ...mb will fit comfortably behind it As the lever is moved an addi tional 130o until it stops the film and frame counter advanceand the shutter is cocked for the next exposure Safe Load Signal Frame coun...
Page 19: ...speed betweenthe two and 2 in M manual mode the meteredspeed Bfinking LED at 4Hzl indicatesuser et shutterspeedin manualmode 60 LED blinks at 3Hz as flash ready signalwith X seriesMinolta Auto Electr...
Page 20: ...e your camera is ready for picture taking Film speedset BatteriesOK Doesmode LED glow not blink when shutter releasebutton is pressed Min imum aperturelock released on new type MD lensonly ls the f il...
Page 21: ...blinking lf so turn the aperture ring toward the smallestaperture i e f 16 or tl22luntil the LED stopsblinking lf it does not stop use a neutral density ND filter or reducethe light levelif possible...
Page 22: ...the motion of most subjects There may be times however when you want to obtain a particular effect such as rendering a certain rangein sharp focus emphasizinga subject againstan out of focus backgrou...
Page 23: not shimmer or appear broken up At this point the subject image within the viewfinder s center focusing aid appears clearest and seems to blend with that on the matte field surroundingit You will p...
Page 24: ...elease button gently to releasethe shutter The camera should be steadiedagainst your faceor body Always pressthe button with a slow steady squeeze to release the shutter never a quick jab Some ways of...
Page 25: release button A visual signalwill indicate how much time is left before the self timer releases the shutter Self timer LED blinks as follows First 8 sec twice per sec Next sec eight times per sec...
Page 26: ...w to the left Near the end you will feel tension of the film increasethen completely disapPear and the crankwill then turn f reelY 3 When you are certain that the exposedf ilm is completely rewound in...
Page 27: ...e frame the AE lock should be used with camerain auto mode Use the AE lock in situations where subjectsappear dark against strong backlighting such as win dows or againsta light background of snow or...
Page 28: ...the aper ture do so before pressingthe AE l o c k o For precise exposure control when using the AE lock with a variable eff ective apertu re zoom lens such as Minolta 35 105mm f13 5 4 5 MD Zooml sligh...
Page 29: the manually set shutter speed is indicated in the right side of the viewfinder by an LED blink ing at 4Hz 4 times per sec and the metered speed for the aperture and film speed set is indicated by...
Page 30: ...nly one glows Do not set the shutterspeedbetweenclick stops N O T E o The self timerdoesnot operateat the B setting a With fresh batteries at moderate temperatures the maximum long exposure is approx...
Page 31: ...ground out of focus examPle A small aperturesle g Il22l give greater depth of field with sharper background exampleB The depth of field can be checkedon the lens depth of fieldscaleasshown Depth of f...
Page 32: ...set a desired shutter sPeed when using auto mode turn the lens aperturering until the LED next to the desiredshutter speedlights Fast shutter speedssuch as 1 500 or 1 1000 sec can freeze action examp...
Page 33: ...through the lens lf you want to prefocus on your subject as in quickly shot candid photos lnfrared index For proper focus when using infrared film first focus your subject as usual with visible light...
Page 34: ...nder will blink asa flash ready signalwhen the flashis turned on and fully charged and the shutter will be automati cally switched over to 1 60 sec when the shutter is released lf you use an electroni...
Page 35: ...alframing Auto Winder G lets you focus full attention on the creative aspectsof photography by freeing you from winding the film after each picture Continuous sequencesat up to 2 frames per second are...
Page 36: ...e 118X 132X 20OXand 220X Theseautomaticelectronicflash units are designedfor your camera featuring dedicated flash functions that electronicallyset the camera for properX sync and activatea blinkingfl...
Page 37: ...ISO lOOfilm Manualexposure mode shutter speedscale with LED indicators for metered Shutter Quartzcontrolled horizontal traverse focal speed and manually set speed over under rangeLED plane type stepl...
Page 38: ...l shutter release Other 4 slot film take upspool Size and weight 5 1 2 x 3 9 16 x 2 in 14O x 90 x 51 5mm 17 5 16 oz 490gI without lens and battery Optional accessories Minolta Auto Electroflashes Moto...
Page 39: ...wiped with a clean dry or silicone treated cloth now and then especiallyafter using near salt water o lt is advisable to operate the film advance lever and releasethe shutter once or twice from time t...
Page 40: ...4g MrNOl n O 1990MinoltaCameraCo Ltd underthe Berne 9222 2029 10 Conventionand UniversalCopyrightConvention I I I N9405 C15 Printed in Japan...