3-5 PS/2 interface
Keyboard type: As a keyboard interface, the platform supports most of the popular PCs and IBM
Keyboard layout: The platform supports different national keyboard layouts.
Clock period: According to the PS2 protocol, the clock is provided by the device, e.g. keyboard or
platform, with the period between 60us to 100us.
Delay-after-compound-key: In some rare occasions, machine with low speed PS2 communication port
would require a free time gap following the press/release of the compound key (Shift, Ctrl or Alt).
Numeric key:
Alphabetic key- the platform will output code result as alphabetic key.
Numeric key- the platform will output code result as pressing numeric keypad ( ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’, ‘6’,
‘7’, ‘8’, ‘9’, ‘.’, ‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘/’, ‘*’ only).
Alt+ keypad- the platform will output code result as pressing Alt+ numeric key (on keypad). Note that
the Num Lock control key must be ON. This setting can be specially adapted for use with different
national keyboard layout.
Power-on simulation: All of the PCs check the keyboard status during power-on self test. It simulates
keyboard timing and passes keyboard present status to the PC during power-on.
Inter-character delay: This delay is inserted after each data character transmitted.
Inter-byte delay: This delay is inserted after each byte transmitted. Normally a character is comprised
of three or above bytes.
Block trans. delay: It is a delay timer between barcode data output. This feature is used to transfer
continually with shorter barcode data.
Caps Lock reversion: By setting enable, the status of Caps Lock key (i.e. being pressed ON or OFF) on
the keyboard is simulated in a reversion status.
Caps Lock override: If this function is enabled, on AT or AT notebook hosts, the keyboard ignores the
state of the Caps Lock key. Therefore, an ‘A’ in the barcode is sent as an ‘A’ no matter what the state of
the keyboard’s Caps Lock key.
A guide of setting while the scanned data is incorrectly displayed on the host
If some characters are missed or some additional characters are incorrectly displayed on the host,
set the Inter-byte delay (0208) to be “01” or greater value.
If some capital character (e.g. “A”) or compound-key-characters (e.g.“shift+”, “Ctrl+”, “Alt+”)are
displayed incorrectly, set the Delay-after-compound-key (0204) to be “01” or greater value.
If some digits are incorrectly displayed as some symbol characters (e.g. “1” and “2” are displayed
incorrectly as “!” and “@”), set the Clock period (0203) to be greater value (e.g. 04, 05).