3 Cassettes Installation and User Guide
depyrogenation and residual flush out
from the system. To select a cleaning
method, identify your application or
suspected foulant from the Cleaning
Agent Selection Chart. Select the
cleaning agent or agents compatible
with your membrane type and
application requirements. Sanitization,
depyrogenation and storage agents are
chosen similarly. In many instances,
sanitization and depyrogenation may be
accomplished in the same step.
With consumable agents such as chlorine,
monitor the concentration of the agent
over the course of the cleaning cycle
and add additional cleaning agent as
needed to maintain the recommended
Suggested Retentate Pressures
for Flushing and Cleaning
Retentate Pressure
3, 5 kD
2.8 - 3.4 bar
(40-50 psi)
10, 30, 50 kD
0.5-1.0 bar
(5.0 - 15 psi)
Suggested retentate pressures are
recommended to achieve desired feed
flow to permeate flow conversion rate.
Conversion rate of approximately 30% is
desired for 10, 30 and 50 kD devices and
conversion rate of approximately 10% is
desired for 3 and 5 kD devices.
The flushing step removes residuals
from the cassette and the system
piping. Flushing is done primarily with
clean water but may be performed with
cleaning or buffer solutions. The typical
volume of flushing solution for this step
is 20 L/m
of membrane area.
1. Close the tank drain valve (V1) and the
tank valve (V2).
2. Fill the tank with the flushing
3. Fully open the retentate valve
(V4) (and permeate valve (V5)
if present) and direct both the
retentate and filtrate to drain.
4. Open the tank drain valve (V1).
5. Turn on the feed pump and pump
water into the feed port of the
Holder. The recommended
feed flow rate is 4 to 6 Lpm/m².
6. Once the pump has slowly ramped
up to the set point, partially close
the retentate valve (V4) to achieve
the retentate pressure listed above.
7. Flush the filter(s) until a total of 20
liters of water per m² of installed
filter area has been pumped through
the system to drain. Depending on
individual removal criteria, the total
flush volume can be adjusted.
8. At the end of the flush, turn off the
feed pump, fully open retentate and
filtrate lines and drain the retentate
and filtrate piping.
The cleaning step applies to installations
where all parts of the system will be exposed
for a period of time to the process fluids.
Membrane regeneration, system sanitization,
depyrogenation and system storage require a
cleaning step. The typical volume of cleaning
solution for this step is approximately 10 to
20 L/m
of membrane area.
1. Close the tank drain valves (V1 and V2).
2. Fill the tank with the cleaning
solution. (Cleaning solution
selection is noted in the Cleaning
Selection Chart.)
3. Fully open the retentate valve (V4)
(and permeate valve (V5) if present)
and direct both the retentate and
filtrate to the tank.
4. Open the tank drain valve (V1).
5. Turn on the feed pump and pump
Typical System Setup