Millennia Media, Inc.
4600 Missouri Flat Road
Placerville, CA 95667
(530) 647-0750
Fax (530) 647-9921
& Media Systems
HV-37 User Guide
revised 100713
Gain is a continuously variable gain control. It has a high
gain jump near full clockwise for low level signals.
Inst Input (Instrument Input) is for high impedance
sources such as bass guitars. It makes the Hi-Z Instrument
input active.
HPF (High Pass Filter) rolls off low frequencies below 80
Hz at 6 dB per octave.
Ribbon Mic DC couples the mic to the gain stage and also
provides an additional 10dB of gain. Use with any Ribbon or
Dynamic mic (like an SM-57). A mic requiring phantom
power will not work in this mode.
+48V turns the phantom power supply on.
Avoid connecting or disconnecting mics with the
+48V on (hot patching). This can damage the mic,
preamp and make some very loud pops that can
damage your monitoring system and ears.
Signal Present (green) and Peak (red) LEDs indicate
signal present at
-46dBu and peaks at +22dBu.
Pol Flip (Polarity Flip) inverts the signal’s polarity. This
can be useful in multiple mic setups to change the
interaction between them.
Pad – Attenuates the input signal after the gain stage by