4K IP Streaming Extender
5.5 Video Wall Routing Tab
The tab "Video Wall" allows for a single source signal (TX) to be assigned to multiple
Receiver (RX) units and displayed across multiple screens, appearing as a single video
wall. The figure below illustrates the "Video Wall" routing tab inside the IPA Manager.
The top portion is reserved for configuring and setting up the video wall, while the
bottom half lists all available TX (Transmitter) and RX (Receiver) units.
The video wall size can be adjusted by changing the number of rows and columns. The
values for "bezel correction" represent the absolute amount of pixels. The default value
is set to 16 pixels. Increase this value to adjust for thicker bezels while a value of zero
would indicate no bezel correction at all is to be applied.
Note: The source signal must be progressive scan.