4CXP Camera
Status LED
page 20 of 70
Status LED
A multi-color LED on the backplane of all 4CXP cameras indicate camera and CXP connection states
according to the CXP 1.1 standard.
Table D:
LED indications
LED State
no power
solid orange
system is booting
slow pulse red
powered, but nothing connected
(not applicable to a device reliant on PoCXP power)
fast flash alternate green/orange
connection detection in progress, PoCXP active
fast flash orange
connection detection in progress, PoCXP not in use
slow flash alternate red/green
device incompatible, PoCXP active
slow flash alternate red/orange
device incompatible, PoCXP not in use
solid green
device connected but no data being transferred
slow pulse orange
device connected, waiting for event (e.g. trigger)
fast flash green
device connected, data being transferred
slow flash alternate green/orange
connection test packets being sent
red - 500 ms pulse
error during data transfer
slow flash alternate red/green/orange
compliance test mode enabled
fast flash red
system error
If the LED signals the end of a successfully firmware update (green – slowly pulsating),
the camera can be switched off.
status LED