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ROTARY R click


ver 1.00




2. Soldering the headers

1. Introduction

3. Plugging the board in

Once you have soldered the headers your 
board is ready to be placed into the desired 

 socket. Make sure to align the cut 

in the lower-right part of the board with the 
markings on the silkscreen at the mikroBUS


socket. If all the pins are aligned 

correctly, push the board all 

the way into the socket.

Turn the board upward again. Make sure 
to align the headers so that they are 
perpendicular to the board, then solder the 
pins carefully.

Turn the board upside down so that 
the bottom side is facing you upwards. 
Place shorter pins of the header into the 
appropriate soldering pads.

Before using your click

 board, make sure 

to solder 1x8 male headers to both left and 
right side of the board. Two 1x8 male headers 
are included with the board in the package.

4. Essential features

Rotary R click

 with its LED ring is a perfect 

solution for implementing an input knob into 
your design (in contrast to a potentiometer, 
a rotary encoder can be spun round 
continuously). A single rotation is divided into 

15 discrete steps

. The encoder outputs A and 

B signals (out of phase to each other). The 
knob is also a push-button outputted through 
the  interrupt line. The LED ring are controlled 
through the SPI interface.


Rotary R click

 carries a 

15-pulse incremen-

tal rotary encoder

 with detents, surrounded 

by a 

ring of 16 red LEDs

. It communicates 

with the target board through mikroBUS


SPI lines

 (CS, SCK, MISO, MOSI), and three 

additional lines for outputting the Encoder 
info: ENCB OUT, ENCA OUT and SW (in 
place of the standard AN, RST and INT pins, 
respectively). Rotary R click

 can be used 

with either a 3.3V or 5V power supply.



