The optimum temperature and air quality
– Touching a sensor once:
last temperature selected
– Each subsequent touch of the
Adjusts the temperature shown in
1 °C increments.
– Leaving a finger on the sensor:
Changes the temperature continu-
A negative tone will sound (if the
sensor tone is switched on) when the
lowest or highest possible temperat-
ure is reached.
Approximately 5 seconds after the last
time a sensor has been touched, the
temperature inside the wine con-
ditioning zone is automatically shown.
When the temperature is altered, there
is a short delay until the temperature
selected is set.
The temperature display on the control
panel always shows the
Temperature range
In both zones it is possible to set tem-
peratures between 5 and 20 °C.
A room temperature above 32 °C
may cause the temperature in the
lower section of the appliance to in-
crease slightly so that the temperat-
ure is approx. 2 °C above the tem-
perature set for this section.
Wines which may not be stored un-
der these slightly raised temperature
conditions should preferably not be
placed on the 3D bottle presenter,
but instead should be placed on one
of the wooden shelves above it.
Temperature display
In normal operation the temperature
display shows the actual temperature in
the zone.
If the temperature in one of the zones is
not within the range that the appliance
is able to display, dashes will light up in
the temperature display.
Depending on the ambient temperature
and the temperature setting, it can take
the appliance a few hours to reach the
temperature required and for this tem-
perature to then be shown as a con-
stant temperature in the display.