Chapter 3: Using the Web Interface
Creating Users
All users must have a user account, containing the login name and password. Multiple users can log in simultaneously
using the same login name.
To create users:
Select User Management > Users >
The New User page appears.
Provide information in the following fields or settings in the User section of the New User page as follows:
Note: You must enter information in the fields showing the message 'required.'
Field or Setting
User Name
The name the user enters to log in to the PDU.
4 to 32 characters
Case sensitive
Spaces are NOT permitted.
Full Name
The user's first and last names.
Password, Confirm Password
4 to 64 characters
Case sensitive
Spaces are permitted.
Telephone Number
The user's telephone number
eMail Address
The user's email address
Up to 64 characters
Case sensitive
When selected, the user can log in to the PDU.