© Copyright 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved
05-4574A01, Rev. C
4 FTP Upload Procedures
4.1 FTP Upload Procedures
Use an FTP client and connect to the SDIDU™ via IP address.
4.2 Windows FTP Client
1. Enter the command "ftp <SDIDU™ IP address>".
2. Enter the administrator username and password when prompted.
3. Set the mode to binary by entering "bin".
4. To upload the file, enter the command "put <filename>".
5. Exit.
4.3 Graphical FTP Client (IE: Filezilla)
1. Use the following parameters to connect:
a. Host: <SDIDU™ IP address>
b. Username: Administrator username
c. Password: Administrator password
2. Set FTP client to binary mode.
3. Set timeout detection to 999 seconds.
4. Make sure the “use multiple connections to transer files” option is not
5. Drag and drop/copy the file from the PC to the SDIDU™.
6. Exit the FTP client.