Chapter 2
Menu Configuration
MS-850 Raster Scanner User’s Manual
2–Menu Conf
Serial Trigger Character
. Corresponds to <GS> displayed in the menu.
Options: Any single ASCII character, including control characters, except NUL (00H),
an existing host command character, or an on-line protocol character. Con-
trol characters entered on the command line are displayed in the menu as
mnemonic characters.
For example, assigning an upper case D would nullify the <D> (Enter Menu
Configuration) command.
Serial Data or Serial Data & Edge must be enabled for Serial Trigger Character
to take effect. “N/A” is displayed in the menu when all other triggering modes are
Allows you to define a single ASCII character as the host serial trigger character that
initiates the read cycle. The serial trigger is considered an on-line host command and
requires the same command format as all host commands (that is, to be entered
within the < > brackets).
External Trigger
Options: Positive,
External Level, External Edge, or Serial Data & Edge must be enabled for Exter-
nal Trigger Level to take effect. “N/A” is displayed in the menu when all other trigger-
ing modes are enabled.
Allows you to determine whether a positive or negative transition will initiate the read
If using the Microscan object detector, use positive trigger polarity.
Triggering Mode
Continuous Read
Options: Continuous Read, Continuous Read 1 Output, External Level, External Edge,
Serial Data, Serial Data & External Edge
Allows you to establish the type of trigger event that will initiate or end the read cycle.
Continuous Read
Trigger input options are disabled and the scanner is always in the read cycle. Bar
code data is decoded, and label information is transmitted repeatedly, as long as the
label is in the read range of the scanner. When To Output options have no affect on
Continuous Read. Continuous Read is useful in testing label or scanner functions.