Chapter 4
Operational Commands
MS-610 Scanner User’s Manual
Code Type Commands
<P> Autodiscriminate All Codes.
Enables the scanner to decode all available
bar code types without changing scanner configuration settings.
Note: For maximum scanning speed, enable only those bar code symbologies
used in the application.
<Q> Enable Code 39 Only.
Allows only Code 39 labels to be read.
<R> Enable Codabar Only.
Allows only Codabar labels to be read.
<S> Enable
2 of 5 Only.
Allows only Interleaved 2 of 5 labels to be read.
Counter Commands
The Xs in all counter commands that follow denote a numeric value from
00000 to 65,535. After reaching the maximum numeric limit of 65,535, you
will receive an error message and the counter will automatically rollover and
start counting again at 00000. To obtain the cumulative total of counts after
the rollover has occurred, add 65,536 per each rollover (the scanner does not
keep track of the number of rollovers) to the current count.
Note: You will lose all counter values if you cycle power to the scanner, send
the <A> command, or enter the Menu Configuration Program.
Note: If you activate the counter command during a read cycle, the scanner will
not output the count until the read cycle ends.
<N> Noread Counter.
The message N/XXXXX displays the total number of
noreads that have occurred since power-on or the last Noread Counter Reset
<O> Noread Counter Reset.
Sets Noread Counter to 00000.
<T> Trigger Counter.
The message T/XXXXX displays the total number of
triggers since power-on or the last Trigger Counter Reset command.
<U> Trigger Counter Reset.
Sets the trigger counter to 00000.
<V> Match Counter (or Good Read Counter).
The message V/XXXXX dis-
plays the total number of good reads matching the master label since power-on
or the last Match Counter Reset command. This counter is always enabled, but
will only work as a match count when Match Code option is enabled. If the
Match Code option is not enabled, this counter records the number of good
reads, or decodes. This count can be requested at any time.
<W> Match Counter Reset.
Sets the Match Counter to 00000.
<X> Mismatch Counter.
The message X/XXXXX displays the number of
labels successfully read that do not match the master label since power-on or
the last Mismatch Counter command.
<Y> Mismatch Counter Reset.
Sets the Mismatch Counter to zero.