The electronic system is based on a high
performance microprocessor.
The microprocessor is in charge of every
operation within the instrument, going
from the position transducer (a very sen-
sitive LVTD – Linear Variable Differen-
tial Transformer), to the analogue digital
converter, to the system calculation and
data display. Measures are continuously
averaged and processed, in order to re-
duce to minimum the electronic noise and
high –frequency mechanical vibrations.
Sensitivity is as high as 1 µm/m
(0.2 second of arc).
The internal software manages the whole
acquisition process , the measures avera-
ging and the data display on a
16 charac-
ters LCD
and a
for analogic
readout. The digital display shows the
angle value in the
higher scale
(1 µm/m)
while the 2 selectors in the bottom allow
you to choose between five measure sca-
les and adjust zero.
The level may be complemented by a Win-
dows application
signed for an easy and straightforward
data processing, archiving and printing,
as well as graphic rendering of the sur-
face or line under test. This makes it pos-
sible to produce a complete and accurate
information of the measured surfaces.