Using your SCORPION Z9PC alarm controller
PIN numbers (user codes)
SCORPION has 8 variable length 4 digit pin numbers, All of these numbers may be selectively programmed to arm
and disarm the system.
The keypad beeper
SCORPION annunciates conditions through the keypad beeper. During an arming cycle the beeper will sound for
the entire exit time. This is a "leave now" warning. On entry, the beeper sounds for the programmed entry period.
SCORPION will alarm at the expiry of this period. If a valid code is entered to disarm the system, the beeper emits
two short tones. An incorrect entry is annunciated as one long tone.
The status (yellow) lamp
The yellow status lamps are used to indicate several conditions:
Status lamp (S 1)
Area A is arming or armed
Status lamp (S 1)
, Area A is disarmed
Status lamp (S 1)
, an alarm has occurred in area 1, or a system fault exists.
Status lamp (S 2)
Area B is arming or armed
Status lamp (S 2)
Area B is disarmed
Status lamp (S 2)
, an alarm has occurred in area 2, or a system fault exists.
PANIC or Two key panic
If this function has been programmed into SCORPION it may be activated by pressing * and # simultaneously.
A panic activation may be cancelled by entering any valid user code.
Single button Arming:
Press: 1 then # to arm Scorpion
In PARTITION mode press:
1 then # for area 'A'
2 then # for area 'B'
(this is a technician selectable option. Ask your installation technicians advice).