Fiber Fabry-Perot Tunable Filter |
C o p y r i g h t
2 0 0 9 M i c r o n O p t i c s , I n c .
F i r s t T i m e U s e r M a n u a l
Frequently asked questions and answers
(Q.1) What is the recommended Maximum Drive Voltage for the filter?
As the voltage on the PZT increases, the PZT expands causing the optics to
move closer together. It is important that the filter drive voltage remain below 70
volts to ensure that the optics are not damaged.
(Q.2) What is the recommended Maximum Drive Frequency for the filter?
To avoid overheating the PZT, and to avoid complex compensation and
dampening circuitry, we recommend that the filter be driven at less than 300 Hz if
using the complete voltage range (0
50 volts). A higher drive frequency can be
utilized if the drive voltage is reduced.
How do I eliminate optical instabilities due to reflections from the FFP-TF?
Place an optical isolator between the laser and the FFP-TF to avoid reflection
instabilities in the light source. Recall that all out-of-band (non resonant) energy is
reflected back to the source and can damage a laser if not properly isolated. An
isolator may also be required after the filter to eliminate down-stream reflection.
How much optical power can the FFP-TF2 handle without damage?
Our Finesse-200 filters have been tested to 200 mW (23 dBm) in band of average
power without any damage to the optical coatings. Since the damage threshold scales
inversely with finesse rating of the filter; the lower finesse filters can withstand higher
optical power.
For more information on this or any other Micron Optics product, please contact us
Micron Optics, Inc.
1852 Century Place, NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30345
Phone: (404) 325-0005
Fax: (404) 325-4082
Email: [email protected]