Copy: You can copy the file into Audio, Images, My Music,
Photos, Video or specified folders.
Move: You can move the file into Audio, My Music, Images,
Video or specified folders.
Delete: You can delete the current record.
Delete All files: You can delete all records in all current folders.
Sort by: You can rank files as per name, type, time and size or
choose ‘None’.
Video—Video Folder
Play: You can play the current video.
Forward: You can send videos to Phonebook, MMS, e-mail,
Switch-on Cartoon and Switch-off Cartoon.
Details: You can see the date and size of the file.
Rename: You can rename the folder.
Copy: You can copy the file into Audio, Images, My Music,
Photos, Video or specified folders.
Move: You can move the file into Audio, Images, My Music,
Photos or specified folders.
Delete: You can delete the current record.
Delete All files: You can delete all records in all current folders.
Sort by: You can rank files as per name, type, time and size or
choose ‘None’.
Create Folder: Under the root directory, you can create a new
folder to save more detailed files.
Format: Formatting can clear all files in the mobile phone and
newly created folders. After formatting, you need to restart the
mobile phone and the Audio folder and Images folder will
restore automatically and Photos folder will automatically occur
after the first photo is taken.