© Microhard Systems Inc.
4.0 Configuration
Image 4-3-11: Data Usage > SMS Config
Monthly/Daily Data Unit
Values (selection)
Select the data unit to be used for data usage monitoring.
Bytes / K Bytes /
M Bytes
G Bytes
Data Limit
Values (1-65535)
Select the data limit for the day or month, used in connection with
the data unit is the previous field. If you want to set the limit to 250
Mbytes, select M Bytes for the data unit, and 250 for the data limit.
Period Start Day
Values (1-31)
For Monthly tracking, select the day the billing/data cycles begins.
On this day each month the IPn4G will reset the data usage monitor
1 (Day of Month)
Phone Number
Values (phone)
If SMS is selected as the notification method, enter the phone
number to send any SMS messages generated when the data
usage exceeds the configured limits.
Monthly/Daily Over Limit
Values (selection)
Select the notification method used to send alerts when daily or
monthly thresholds are exceeded. If none is selected, notifications
will not be sent, but data usage will be recorded for reference
Send Notice SMS
Send Notice Email
Image 4-3-12: Data Usage > Email Config