microHAM © 2010 All rights reserved
The Auxiliary Port allows an application program (logger) to control an auxiliary device attached to the iLink
port. The Auxiliary port implements serial in and serial out (RxD and TxD) as TTL signals – interfacing to an
RS-232 device will require a TTL to RS-232 converter, for example the microHAM iLINK/SteppIR.
When an application opens the Auxiliary port,
Router reports port as open and displays settings
used to configure COM port.
Data flowing through the channel are indicated by two arrows. The green arrow indicates data flow from the
application and a red arrow indicates data to the host application.
Mon: Opens an “Auxiliary Serial Port Monitor” window to capture data between the application and
auxiliary device. Controls for the monitor include Start, Stop, Clear and Save.
The Auxiliary Serial Port Monitor should not be used under normal conditions. However, for
debugging purposes, it may be useful to Start a capture and close the window. When a problem
occurs, the window can be opened and the Serial Port log Saved for analysis.
The monitor log is circular – only the last 20 kilobytes or so will be saved in order to prevent creating
very large files.
If a line ends in three dots (...) it means that the command or response has been broken across two
USB packets.
The Control Port allows an application program (logger) that implements the microHAM Control Protocol to
make use of the microKEYER II CW, FSK and DVK message memories
When an application opens the control port, Router
reports port as open and displays settings used to
configure COM port.
Data flowing through the channel are indicated by two arrows. The green arrow indicates data flow from the
application and a red arrow indicates data to the host application.
Mon: Opens a “Control Protocol Monitor” window to capture microHAM Protocol communications between
a logger and Router. Controls for the monitor include Start, Stop, Clear and Save.
The Control Protocol Monitor should not be used under normal conditions. However, if there are
problems between a logger and Router, it may be useful to Start a capture and close the window.
When a problem is noticed, the window can be opened and the Control protocol log Saved for
The monitor log is circular – only the last 20 kilobytes or so will be saved in order to prevent creating
very large files.
The monitor will display a description of each command from the application and the response from
Router. If a line ends in three dots (...) it means that the command or response has been broken
across two USB packets.