Microframe Corporation
Series 3061 - DataTrack Waiter Call
Remote Display
DataTrack Transmitter
DataTrack Specifications
12 to 13.8V dc
Less than 200 uA (micro Amp) standby,
300 mA transmit
450-470 MHz
25 KHz or 12.5 KHz
1/4 to 1/2 mile
Desk or Wall Mounted w/optional bracket
Operating Voltage .....................................
Power Consumption ..................................
Frequency Range ......................................
Channel Spacing .......................................
TX Baud Rate ............................................
Distance Range ........................................
FCC Approval No. ......................................
Mounting ...................................................
Support and Sales
Microframe® Corporation
P.O. Box 1700
Broken Arrow, OK 74013
The DataTrack Transmitter features individual call but-
tons that can transmit to any of 14 on-site pagers. When
a call button is pressed, a red light will appear in the
corner of the button pressed to confirm a page was sent.
Available for desktop or wall mounting.
The DataTrack One-Touch Paging System is designed
to page wait staff with the simple press of a button.
Names of servers may be written in the white boxes
provided using wax pencils. To send a page to a server,
press the corresponding name, and a page will be
transmitted directly to their individual pager. Upon
request, pagers can be programmed to display pre-
defined text messages such as "order ready," "bar,"
and "host stand." Messages are limited to 12-charac-
ters including spaces. Multiple transmitters can be
added, allowing data to be sent from any desired