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MICRODYN BIO-CEL XS-1 Pilot Plant Manual // Revision: A // Date: Jul. 25, 2018
The installation and adjustment of technical components of the MICRODYN BIO-CEL
XS-1 pilot
plant must imperatively be done by expert staff. The pilot plant must be operated by personnel
trained by MICRODYN-NADIR. The operation of the pilot plant must be monitored by expert staff.
The pilot plant must be installed horizontally on a plane surface.
Figure 3 shows a possible setup for system integration of the BIO-CEL XS-1 pilot plant. The
following works needed to be performed before commissioning date:
1. All tanks which are intended to be used for piloting must be cleaned.
2. Connect all auxiliary tanks and pipes according to chapter 4.3.1 - 4.3.5.
3. The membrane module is stored with a preservative solution. Avoid wetting the
membranes until the pilot plant is ready for commissioning. Once wet, the membranes
have to remain submerged in water at all times.
4. Prepare a recent water analysis of the feed water (including at least COD/BOD/NH4-N,
TP and TSS)
Figure 5
P&ID of the pilot plant