RADIUS - View – RADIUS Details
Microsemi PDS-408G Web Management User Guide Ver. 1.0.1, 03-2019
Other Info (RADIUS-Server IP address and state)
IP address and UDP port for the RADIUS-server.
The current status of the RADIUS server. This field takes one of the following values:
Disabled: RADIUS server is disabled.
Not Ready: RADIUS server is enabled, but IP communication is not yet up and running.
Ready: RADIUS server is enabled, IP communication is up and running, and the
RADIUS module is ready to accept access attempts.
Dead (X seconds left): RADIUS-Server failed to reply to authentication requests
(timeout) and was placed in Dead state for Dead-time minutes. This should speed up
future remote user access by skipping on timeout x retry waiting delay (in seconds)
before switching to next (backup) Radius-Server. The Server will be re-enabled after
dead-time expires.
NOTE: Dead state is applicable only when there is more than one RADIUS-server, and
dead-time time value is greater than 0.
Table 10-2: Other Info