2012 Microchip Technology Inc.
DS52080A-page 17
Chapter 2. Hardware Overview
This chapter describes the hardware components of the dsPICDEM MCLV-2
Development Board.
Topics covered include:
Power for the control circuits and DC bus on the board is provided through a +24V
power supply attached to the Power Connector terminal (J2) or the Auxiliary Power Tab
Fast-On Connector terminals (BP1-BP2). The Microchip 24V Power Supply
(AC002013) is recommended.
The various components on the board receive power as follows:
• The Gate drivers r15V power from a 15V regulator
• The CAN driver re5V power from a 5V regulator
• The LIN driver receives V
power from the LIN connector J1.
• A dsPIC DSC or PIC24 MCU motor control device re3.3V power from a
+3.3V regulator
• The RS-232 UART interface re3.3V power from a +3.3V regulator
• The PIC18LF2450 USB to UART Bridge re3.3V power from a +3.3V
Note 1:
If the input voltage value is less than 16V, remove the 15V voltage
regulator and short jumper J3.
To use a higher DC voltage bus (24V-48V), complete the following steps:
a) Connect the power supply to jumper J7, and keep jumper J6 open.
b) Power the circuit components, MCU, and the gate drivers using a
separate 16V-24V power supply connected to the power connector
J2 or BP1-BP2.