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4. Delivery List
The shipping list is shown as following table.
Figure 2 Photo of IML-D01
MMW Radar
5.Mount and Debug
Follow the belowing instructions carefully before installing IML-D01 Radar to
user’s specific applications:
Orientation of the radar: The radar transceiver antenna is located at the
heat sink of the base with the heat sink facing up and the gray radome
facing outwards(the normal of the radome surface could be viewed as the
illumination line) as shown in Figure 3. And the customer should make
sure that the illumination line shoud be parallel to the ground plane.
Height of the mounting point: It is recommended that the installation height
H to the ground plane must be 1.2~1.5meters aligned the chest or back of
the target. The range between radar and chest shoud be 0.1~0.9m for the
front detection of chest shown as Figure 3, and 0.1~0.7m for the back
detection which is shown as Figure 4.