©2021 Micro-Air corp.
rev. 1.06
Appendix 1: Compressor monitoring system changes
IMPORTANT: These instructions are not interchangeable between Bluetooth and non-Bluetooth models.
Bluetooth models should not have their cover removed and using the wrong method will not allow the
unit to function properly.
Models without Bluetooth
First place the shorting jumpers from the six-pin header on pins 1 and 3, and pins 4 and 6 as
shown below. The next step is to cut JMP2 on the circuit board. This will disable the timer and start the
compressor immediately. Your circuit board may look a little different from the image but the process is
the same on all boards.
Figure 7
Models with Bluetooth
Bluetooth models must be connected to power to disable the
starting delay before installation. Turn off the breaker to the air
conditioner. Connect the black and white EasyStart wires to the line
input side of the contactor indicated by the yellow arrows in figure 8.
Tape or wire nut the EasyStart brown and orange wire ends so they
cannot make electrical contact with anything. Turn on the breaker to
the air conditioner.
Open the smart device application on an Android or Apple
device. To start the connection, enter “EasyStart_”, including the
underscore (case sensitive), in the white box
below “Enter EasyStart
Bluetooth ID:” and press return. The “Connect to EasyStart” button
will become enabled. Press the button to connect to the starter. The
screen will change to show the ID of the starter.
Click the relearn tab and slide the switch for
“No pwr on
delay” to “ON”. Set the SCPT (minutes) for 1. Press “send settings to EasyStart”
. Exit the app and turn off
the breaker to the air conditioner. Disconnect the white and black EasyStart wires and continue with the
Figure 8