Operation and Installation Instructions
1. The MICO 691 System is a
device which provides additional brake holding
when used with existing vehicle parking
It is not for dynamic service braking.
2. The 691 System must be used in combination with
an audible and/or visual alarm as a warning to
signal the user of any loss of brake system pres-
Do not disconnect warning devices.
3. All lines, fittings and surrounding areas must be
cleaned of dirt or road residue before any lines or
fittings are disconnected. Special care must be
taken so dirt and road residue are not allowed to
enter the hydraulic brake system. This can con-
taminate the system and interfere with proper
operation of brakes and MICO 691 System.
4. Follow procedures outlined in Vehicle Manufac-
turer’s Service Manual or SAE Standards when
making new connections or adding to existing
brake systems. Use only steel brake tubing con-
forming to SAE specifications.
Vehicle Brake System:
Always use clean fluid
conforming to vehicle manufacturer’s recommen-
691 Power Unit:
, page 3 for proper fluid type.
Improper or contaminated fluid may cause gummy
deposits, softening and swelling of rubber seals,
and may render the 691 System inoperative.
Such a condition must be corrected immediately.
6. Do not use sealants, tapes, teflon or cement
compounds on any connections or fittings. These
sealants or compounds can contaminate the
hydraulic brake system and interfere with the
operation of brake components or MICO 691
7. All fittings and connections must be in good
condition and properly torqued.
8. Brake hoses, brake lines, MICO 691 System,
brake components, cylinders, and all fittings must
be routinely inspected for leaks, damage or wear.
Proper fluid levels must be maintained. In the
event of any loss of fluid, brake system must be
carefully inspected for leaks.
9. When installation of MICO 691 System is com-
plete, 691 System and brake system must be
bled of air. Bleed MICO 691 System according to
procedures outlined in this manual. Bleed brake
system according to vehicle manufacturer’s
10. The self-adhesive warning labels, page 1, ac-
companying each MICO locking device must be
affixed in the vehicle cab in view of operator.
11. Keep this manual in the cab of the vehicle after
installing the 691 System.
MICO is a registered trademark of MICO, Incorporated. MICO is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as well as in Australia, Canada, Great Britain, Indonesia, Japan, Peoples Republic of China, and South Korea.
MICO, Incorporated
MICO West Division
1911 Lee Boulevard (Zip Code 56003-2507)
701 East Francis Street (Zip Code 91761-5514)
P.O. Box 8118 / North Mankato, MN U.S.A. 56002-8118
P.O. Box 9058 / Ontario, CA U.S.A. 91762-9058
MICO could not possibly know of and give advice with respect to all conceivable applications in which this product may be used and the possible hazards and/or
results of each application. MICO has not undertaken any such wide evaluation. Therefore, anyone who uses an application which is not recommended by the
manufacturer, first must completely satisfy himself that a danger will not be created by the application selected, or by the particular model of our product that is
selected for the application.
MICO has made every attempt to present accurate information in catalogs, brochures and other printed material. MICO can accept no responsibility for errors
from unintentional oversights that may exist. Due to a continuous program of product improvement, materials, specifications, and product documentation are sub -
ject to change without notice or obligation.
Form No. 81-690-032
Revised Online 11/30/06
Printed in U.S.A.