A slight odour initially develops after switching on the device
for the fi rst time. This is normal and not harmful to your health.
Allow the device to run for three to fi ve minutes. After that you
can use the device as normal.
For your safety, the device switches off automatically if it over-
heats. Should this occur, pull the mains plug out of the socket
and allow the device to cool down completely. Before switching
the device back on, check the air outlets [2] and the air intake
fi lter [5] for any blockages (e.g. sucked-in fl uff , dust or hair).
Step 5
Hold the volumising and hair-drying brush
by the handle in one hand. With the other
hand, take hold of the cool-touch tip [1].
Step 6
Choose the styling method that you prefer from Section “6.2
Hairstyling” and follow the instructions.