MG Midget T Series Instruction Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for Midget T Series

Page 1: ...i h 1r l 1 ii 1 iidr r j a i t i lnstruCtion thG fij l l Y I i1...

Page 2: ...ll always be only too ready to afford any assistancethey can at any time We cannot stress too highly the danger of fitting hon genuine parts to M G cars Unfortunately caseshave come to our notice wher...

Page 3: ...t under any circumstances allow the oil level to fall below half full it is best to keep it alwaysuP to three quartersat least Do not mix differentbrandsof oil in the sump Do not pull out the starter...

Page 4: ...Foglamp Funreexcluders Fusebox Horn H T cable r tz a King pins Lamps _ Lamps Export Lubrication chassis Lubrication distributor i Lubrication engine Lubrication first 500 miles Lubrication hubs ubrica...

Page 5: ...gtruorliit Starter STEERING GEA SECTION Steeringba igi4 qg Steerinl cani adiustment Steeringdrop arm Steer i 4g gear reassembly Steef4 lubrication Steeringrocker shaft Sump 66 t 6 t 6 0 w 31 1 3 30 30...

Page 6: ...xport headlamps Faciaboard layout Filter oil frame dimensio4aldrawing Fuses Gaskets engine Gearbox constant mesh locking device Gearbox dismantled Gearbox selectors Headlgmps Export Headlamp front rem...

Page 7: ...R A C rating Sump capacity Firing order Sparkingplugs Capacity of water system gearbox rear axle petrol tank width height Wheelbase Track Weight Tyre pressures Gear Ratios TOP THIRD SECOND BOTTOM Gea...

Page 8: ...The facia board layout a t i I I A a Controls Switches etc General Information on Midget and Points to Few Thousand Miles ChassisLubrication the Function of the M G Watch during the First Chossis Moin...

Page 9: ...l The instruments switches etc in the centre panel readingfrom the left are as follows l Starterswitch pull outwards 2 Mixturecontrolor choke The chokecontrol hasa numberof notches which are disengage...

Page 10: ...emixtures or Ethylised fuels particularly assuchanti knockfuelsareobtainable from the pumpspractically throughout the countrY The useof No 3 or cheapcommercial fuels is deprecated lmportant Don t forg...

Page 11: ...auromatic in operation Care should be exercisedin the selectiohof anti freezingmixture if its use is found necessary on account of frost as some have an immediate effect on hose connections Bluecol h...

Page 12: ...e lubricatecl separately Use Duckham s gearoil Seepage8 lltustration No 2 The completetool equipmenton the M G Midget Series T Shouldit be necessary ts refer to the serialnumbersstampedon the frame en...

Page 13: ......

Page 14: ...SECTIONB CHASSIS Axles RoadSprings Propeller Shaft ShockAbsorbers Wheels and Tyres lndexis on Poge 3 i l I _ j PogeTcn...

Page 15: ...4 s o J z 9 tn z llJ i o Ul fi v E g...

Page 16: ...cess to the split pin lockingthe castellated nut which can be withdrawnthrough the hole Removethe hub nut with a box spanner The hub canthen be withdrawncomplece with bearings with the aid of a suitab...

Page 17: ...refer to the specialinstructionson page l7 Uncouple the hand brake cablesfrom the hand brake crossshaftand their supportsfrom the chassis frame Beforedisconnecting the rear brakesrefer to the dismant...

Page 18: ...3 i lllustration No S The differential unit dismantleq lllustration No 5 The rear brakeand wheel bearingmechanism qq PageFourteen...

Page 19: ...uring these caps usingthe soft punch tap the ball raceouter track against the shoulder After tighteningthe cap boltsadlustthe ball racenuts so that they just pinch the ball raceinnertrack at the samet...

Page 20: ...s necessary to jack up the car by the chassis thus removingthe weightfrom the springleaves Now undothe springclipsand part the leavesby insertinga screwdriveror similar instrumentwhich will allow suft...

Page 21: ...e hubs as possible There is one point on the propellershaftwhich requireslubricarion every500 nriles and this is the splinedshaftat the forward end Accessto it is by way of a holein the propellerihaft...

Page 22: ...ingspout The recuperatorchambermust not on any accountbe allowedto become empty Under these conditions air will find its way into the working chamber and destroy the action of the shockabsbrber At the...

Page 23: ...hen the car is new After the first long run or after fifty milesof short runs jack up eachwheeland hammernutsto ensurethat they are tight b When wheels are replaced cover both conical surfacesand the...

Page 24: ...sEcTloNc THE LOCKHEED f HYDRAULIC BRAKING SYSTEM lndexis on Page3 i i i rliq I jw ry i 1 Fl l J i ffi all s i I t Poge Ninetee4...

Page 25: ...9 r I s _l 3 t l z a l r i I I r i F r I i i I L f j 3 o 9 o a 3 I 3 F q i__ ri i ti iii iij i I i_ i i it ir i i Lrj l r i 1 1 iT i l i lii 4 S i i q t 1 fi li f lllustration No 8 The brake iayout P...

Page 26: ...iblehoseconnections into the wheelcylinders lllustration No 9 The brakefluid enterseachof the wheel cylindersbetweenthe opposedpistons causing the latter to move outwardlyagainstthe brake shoes thus b...

Page 27: ...ston K by meansof a push rod o which is attacheddirectlyto rhe brake pedal The openendof rhe mastercylinderis fitted with a rubberboot N to prevenr the ingressof dirt In the headof the mastercylinderi...

Page 28: ...g the com pensating actionof the mastercylinderand causing bindingbrakes Lack of free movement may be due to pedalfouling floorboard or mat thus preventingcompletereturn after brake application To Rem...

Page 29: ...uppermostposition and betweenthe opposedpistons is a bleederscrew requiredfor expellingall air when fillingthe system i DISMANTLI NG INSTRUCTIONS Removal of the Front Wheel Cylinder lnternal lt is ad...

Page 30: ...irea partial turn before shoesare brought in contact with drum Bleeding the Line Whenever any part of the systemhasbeendisconnected it is necessary to bleed the systemin order to expel all air Fill th...

Page 31: nly necessary to compensate for wear of the brake lining While the pressuredeliveredto the brake shoes will alwaysbe equal yer paint grease oil or any foreign substance on the brake lining viill so...

Page 32: ...r elease of the fluid thereby keepingthe brake shoes on A floorboardfouling the pedalmay cut out this requiredpedalslack or an incorrectadjustmentof the pedallink gear may also be the cause Refer page...

Page 33: ...mstances usea substitutefor genuineLockheed Brake Fluld The useof otheqthangenuineLockheed Brakl Fluid witl nnllify all Guarantees giveniby both The M G Car Co Ltd and_ the Lockheei Hydraulic BrakeCo...

Page 34: ...SECTIOND THE BISHOP CAM STEERING GEAR Steering Lubrication Steering Adiustments Rernoval of Erop Arm Fitting the Drop Arm lndex is on Poge3 lllustration No 15 Poge Twenty nine...

Page 35: ...ear asshownby lost motion betweenthe steeringwheel and the drop arm when the road wheelsare in the straightaheadposirion may possibly becomeapparenr but the whole of this can be removedand the gear re...

Page 36: be fitted to the rocker shaft Beforetightening up however the following check should alwaysbe carried out The front wheelsstill beingjackedup with the steeringwheelpull the steering right over to l...

Page 37: ......

Page 38: ...ENGINE General Layout Lubrication Decarbonising Removal of Sump Pistons and Big ends etc Removing Engine from Chassis Removing Crankshaft and Camshaft Timing lndex is on Page3 Poge Thirty three J I l...

Page 39: ...nd is ribbedfor coolingpurposes The oil drain plugcanbe seenjust belowthe bodyof the oil filter Oil filter the oilsystemissoarranged that allthe oil delivered from the pumpto the bearings andother poi...


Page 41: ...lateon top of the elementto the outlet connectionmarked out The springof the by pass valveis suchthat providedthe filter is attendedto periodically renewthe elementafterthe first 1000milesandsubsequen...

Page 42: ...ed approxi mately80oC Abovethis temperature the thermostatvalveopensand allowsthe entire water systemto function The purposeof the thermostatis to allow the engineto warm up quickly and as it is entir...

Page 43: ...S BALL VIILVE HOUStN65 lllustration No 20 Oil pump Cismantled oiL fiLTERcovER ILTIR IO OIL 6ALIEi Y PIFI ffiffi qffi I t I 1t 1 BOIT SECURINC A TO FILIEl COVER Poge Thirty eight lllustration No 21 Tec...

Page 44: ...ottle controlsand mixture control and uncouple the exhaustpipefrom its manifold Disconnect the petrol pipesfrom the petrol pumpand removethe PetrolPumP from the toolbox Removethe carburetterfloat cham...

Page 45: ...ta lllustration No 22 Showing how cylinder head the valves are numbered and their positions in tne t oo u h lJ qoc ER sHArr lllustration No 23 Showing the relative positions of all the parts contained...

Page 46: ...hroom like headsare bevelled off at an angleto correspond with the similar bevellededgesof the valveports in the cylinderheadand thus providea gastightjoint when they are in contact Obviously gastight...

Page 47: ...are properly engagingin their grooves The Rocker Gear Should it be desiredto examinethe rocker bushes the rocker shaftmay be detachedcomplete with its holding bracketsby unscrewing the bolts which ho...

Page 48: ...ionNo 24 showsthe correct orderfor tightening downthe securing nuts C epacr seeurettcE rcp zopratttrlo tp HOLD aG QO 1 t rt U7 S lllustration No 24 The push rods should next be fitted adoptingthe reve...

Page 49: ...ntioned remove the valve cover retighten the cylinder head holding doWn nuts and adjustthe tappers The tS peg adjustmentis effectedby meansof the ball ended screwswhich engagethe tops of the push rodq...

Page 50: ...type of piston was commencing at EngineNo MPJG697 033 mm 061mm equivalent 001 3 0024 Piston Rings Ceasi ne No MPJc596 Referring again to lllustrationNo 26 this is asstated it will be noted t the two l...

Page 51: the gap measuSdwhen they are com pressedin the cylinder without the piston of course shouldbe 004 005 N B lt is important when refitting piston rings to see that their gaps are equi spaced around t...

Page 52: ...and floorboards Undothe rubber muffwherethe steeringcolumnpasses throughthe dash and slideit and its securing platedown the column Disconnect the batteryand uncouple the harness cables from the ramp p...

Page 53: ...o do this removethe dynamoand its support bracket take out the screw which locksthe distributor and remove the distributor The tappet cover may now be removedand the tappet blocks unboltedand prised o...

Page 54: ...aPsmay now be removedand the pistons drawn one at a time turningthe crankshaft as necessanf to alloweachone t Pass The bridgepieces over the front and rear mainbearing caPsmaynow be takd out after whi...

Page 55: ...lllustration No 29 Showingmethodof obtaining T D C PogeFifty lllustration No 30 Timing chain seepage49...

Page 56: ...diosyncrasies One division on the micrometer scale eguals4 crankshaft and eachdiv ision is againdivided into a definite number of clicks which are easilyfelt T CLOSES TNLET cr_oss5 LxHnusr oPENS lltus...

Page 57: ...ver Joint for starter inspecticn cover Washer for cylindei block drain tap Jornr Detween water pump and cylinder head Jornt between water pump body and rear plate lornt lor starter Joint for tappet in...

Page 58: ...ontrolled by the jet lever The two screws holdine the suction discouter chamber in position should be removed from t me to time and the suction diic and piston carefully cleanedwith a dry rag under no...

Page 59: ...derwalls and other parts of the engine Reference to the lllustrationNo 33 of the carburettershowsthe jet control leverin position Thejet adjustment nut is in pointof factonlya stopagainst which the je...

Page 60: ...eactuating fork in position After takingawayrhe fork rhe needlewill drop straightout the seating shouldon no accountbe groundin but if damaged botir the needleand seatingreplaced Do not readjustthe pe...

Page 61: ...e by one cylinderthan the others this phenomenon beingaccompanied by signsof blacksmokefrom the exhaust it may be concluded that the mixture is too strong One of the jet adjusting nutsshould now be sc...

Page 62: ...held in positionby a springclip l Belowthe deliveryvalvecage E is the suctionvalve K the latter beinga similardiscrestingon a seating mach ined in the body Holesconnectthe spacebetweenthe valvesto the...

Page 63: ...troke the throw over mechanism operates and the outer rocker flies back separating the points and breakingrhe circuir The spring sr then pushes the armarureand diaphragm back forcingpetrol rhroughthe...

Page 64: ...he contact breaker just throws over without the assistance of the contactblade which shouldbe held away when beingset When this positionhasbeenfound the armaturewill haveto be unscrewed to the extent...

Page 65: ......

Page 66: ...SECTIONG TH EFOUR SPEED GEAR BOX AND CLUTCH Removal Dismantling Reassembly Speeds on Gears lndex is on Poge3 r I I d j I I l l l j Page Sixty one...

Page 67: ...packingwasher when the variousgearboxcomponentscan be drawn out backwards in their properorder referto lllustrations Nos 35 and 36 asfollows Remove the grub screws whichsecure the strikingforksto thei...

Page 68: ...rbox with remote control housingremoved showing seieetor D STAIIC TUbi RIAR COVTR SELEC gg r rf L CCNfiANT MESH SYNCHROMESH ST TIKtNG DOG 3rd AND 4th lsr HOTTONSHAFTASSfMBLY ffi SPEEDOMETTi DRIVING6EA...

Page 69: ...R MAINSHAFT FRONT END I D SPRING NEEDLE BEARING LOCKING GROOVE Illustration No 37 Third speed constant mesh gear locking device lllustration No 38 Clutch dismantled showingthe components in the relati...

Page 70: ...eplacepropellershaftflangeon mainshaft in originalposition refill with lubricant seeMaintenance Chart at end of book The Clutch Access to the clutch is obtained by removingthe gearboxand clutch housin...

Page 71: ...n LEs PFp Houp x lllustration No 39 Chart showing the speedson each gear and the correspondingengine revolutions Poge Sixty six...

Page 72: ...SECTION H THE ELECTRICAL AND IGNITION SYSTEMS lllustration No 40 The ignition coil lndexis on Poge3 MAIN H LFAOTO ilISIRIOUIOR FITSHERE Poge Sixty seven...

Page 73: ...ewastaken The readingsand their indicationsare as follows 1 250 r 300 Battery fully charged 1 150 1 250 Batteryabout halfdischarged Below 1 150 Batteryfully discharged The readingsfor eachof the cells...

Page 74: ...clean and free from any trace of oil or dirt andshouldhavea highlypolished appearance The bestway to clean a dirty or blackened commutatoris by pressing againstit a fine dry duster and getting someone...

Page 75: ...tions High Charge and Low Charge The dynamois arranged ro giveits maximumoutput whenever the headlamps areswitched on Forcarsrunningunderaverage conditions keepthe switchin the High Charge positiondur...

Page 76: ...sof the cork washerat the top of the rim andremovethe screwopposite the medallion in the toP of the lamp Turn reflectoruntil markings O stampedon the reflectorrim and lamp bodycoincide The reflectorca...

Page 77: ...htened Sidelamps The front of the lampis removedfor bulb replacement when the screw at the top of the lamp is withdrawn When refitting the front locatethe bottom andsecurewith the screw stop Tail lamp...

Page 78: ...hpin between the arm andthe operatingmechanism Useonly the merestdrop of oil any excess may affectthe working of the operatingmechanism The Trafficators are kepr in the closedpositionby means of a spr...

Page 79: ...screw exposedto view as there is a clearancebetween the screwandthe innerfaceofthe spindlethroughwhichthe oil passes to lubricate the cambearing Takecareto refit the arm correctlyandto pushit on to t...

Page 80: ...e positionto give maximumopeningof the contactsand slackenthe two sc ewssecuringthe contact plate Then move the plateuntil the gapis setto the thicknessof the gauge After makingthe adjustment care mus...

Page 81: ...switch and are protected by fuses They are The two headlamps The dippingsolenoid The two sidelamps The tail lamp The stop light 2 Thosewhich are automatically switchedon with the ignitionand haveno f...

Page 82: ...minal D on the cut out box and through the cut out to the terminal A on the cut out box where it is divided into two channels i Throughthe fuse AUX A to terminal A 2 to servethe stop light through the...

Page 83: ...m which the circuit is continuedby a yellow and purplewire to one of the junctionPostsin the cut out box thenceby the yellowand purplewire of the triple cablein the glazedblackcasing to the horn butto...

Page 84: ...smallyellow fuse situate horizontallyabovethe others and thence to terminal F 2 where it is pickedup by the yellow and greenwire alreadymentioned ii When the switch is turned to High or Side the curre...

Page 85: ...sidelamp switch which is insidethe near side headlamp to the terminalmarked Lamp where it is pickedup by a yellowand blue wire which takes it to the off sideheadlamp where the circuit iq completedthr...

Page 86: ...of the two posts and completed through whatever is pluggedinto the posts by the sameearth circuit that servesthe panel lights N B All the wires in the circuitsare described by colours wherethesewires...

Page 87: ......

Page 88: ...I I i i l I l J I I sEcrloN I COACH MORK lndex ison Poge3 lllustration No 49 The M G Midget Series T Two seater Por...

Page 89: ...e partswith plentyof water and when the dirt has been removed polishing the surfacewith a cleandry cloth or with chamois leather until bright In short chromiumfinishshouldbe treatedin precisely the sa...

Page 90: ...rsare then foldedin at 90o when the hoodcanbe rolled asseenin the illustration Make certainthat no portion of the hood is trapped betweenthe hood sticks or badcutswill result The tonneau cover can the...

Page 91: ...the door is high sufficientpacking must be fitted under the front end of the body in front of the door to bring the door into correct positiorr Naturally beforepackingis inserted under the front end o...

Page 92: ...SECTION J EXPORT Deviations to suit Export Regulations lndex is on Page3 Page Eighty seven...

Page 93: ...rding to th it is exported precedingit appliesto both the map readinglamps Headlamps For all countries exceptFrance wherethe stand4rdheadlamp dippingarrangement N Sdippingreflector extinguishing O S i...

Page 94: ...bulb No 52 Speedometer For thosecountrieswhere distanceis measuredin kilometres a speedometer is fitted registeringin kilometresper hour insteadof miles per hour Tyreg Dunlop Fort l9 4 50 tyres are fi...

Page 95: ......

Page 96: ...SECTION K RADIATOR REPAIRERS LUCAS C A V ROTAX SERVICEDEPOTS Lubrication Record J Chassis Maintenance Chart lndex is on Page3 f t Poge Ninetpone...

Page 97: ...oms Luserv Edinburgh Grant Street St George s Road Telegroms Lucas Glasgow 64 Roseville Road fe egroms Luserdep Leeds 450 455 Edge Lane Telegroms Luserv Liverpool Dordrecht Road Acton Vale W 3 Telegro...

Page 98: ...diator Co Boulevard Works Radford Telephone 75631 Telegrams Motorad Nottingham SHEFFIELD The Excelsior Motor Radiator Co Ltd Thomas Street Telephone Sheffield2236112 Telegroms Cooling Phone Sheffield...

Page 99: Telephone 5480 Royal 6 Iines Telegroms Berliet Liverpool LoNDoi N ry 5 John Lancaster Radiators Ltd 20 cathcart street Holmes Road Kentish Town Telephone Gulliver 178 9 MANCHESTER H o sercl Ltd Lyo...


Page 101: ...LUBRICATION RECORD contd...

Page 102: ...9l 9r tr z F v 6 z V Z r E v r Z O o Y Z J 2tr 59 I3 o o z n 6 5 1 9 o 6 H s z d 2 2 f F L Q z o F o r5 ar q a z I F t gt o i i r E s t Y o o _ p o 5 E 4 J a i i3 gi z o E 9J u U E E r 3 li EaF Egf F...
