MG Midget J1 1933 Instruction Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for Midget J1 1933

Page 1: ...The Instruction Manual Midget J Series...

Page 2: ...idget The M G Midget model J2 Two Seater TELEGRAMS E M G E E The M G Cm Company Ltd zP V R N N A B I N G D O N SIR WlLLlAM TELEPHONE R MORRIS BT 251 3 LINES M A N A G I N G ABINGDON D1 R E C T O R ON...


Page 4: ...Chassis N o Must be quoted 1 in a11 Engine No oorrsspondenoe Owner...

Page 5: ...drawn to the following The importance of carefully running in a new engine cannot be over estimated and care and restraint during the first 2 000 miles will be handsomely repaid Change the engine oil...

Page 6: ...Clutch thrust Gmearbox and back axle Clutch Differ ential Universal joint and propeller shaft Suspension Carburetters Sliding roof on Saloons Front fairing Tool locker Tools Tyres ADJUSTMENTS Brake ad...

Page 7: ...Removing tyres I yn mo 13rushes Conlmutator Dynamo field fuse Third brush regulator Starter motor Battery Ammeter F11ses The Cut out Distributor Coil CVarinng lamp Headlamps Side lamps and tail I nlp...


Page 9: ...IJAGE TWO...

Page 10: ...d engine fast until the oil has had a n opportunity of circulriting a n d warming u p aufficientl in o r d e r to circulate freely through the oil passage ways throughout the engine T h e p u m p is c...

Page 11: ...h e housing t o contain m o r e oil than they need a n d above the proper level REAR BRAKE CABLE FRONT BRAKE CABLE v a SUPPORT Chassis fittings Ire conveniently lubricated from A oil nipples 3 o n ei...

Page 12: ...inter D summer Morrisol summer and winter I r tts He vy summer and winter I rice s Motorine C de 1 uxe summer n d inter Speedolene 13 summer and winter Sternol WW Heavy summer and winter Gearbox and...

Page 13: ...its general mechanical details and in order to assist as mucli IS possible it has been thought advisable to give a brief pictorial survey Figure 2 LJndcrnc 1tli it of hc 3l t Midget chassis sho ing rh...

Page 14: ...ipr cm h r J I ch ssis s lr r rnd Snlonrttv Illustration No 4 shows the location of the Petrol Tank in relation to the pipe lines on the 4 Seater and Salonette Models hut in point of fact on these Mod...

Page 15: a brass stop into which the cable is swaged Carefully note the pcsition of the Brake Camshaft I lhricator This Greaser is of the cup type and will require to be refilled iiiith ordinar Prease ever...

Page 16: ...earing is mounted which hearing is arranged to eliminate any binding of the shaft This hearing excludes all dust and dirt both from its own working parts and from the gear and is designed to d a m p o...

Page 17: ...adjusts itself in the bearing in the rocker shaft It will he seen from this that a consider ble area is always evenly presented to the csm track by the hemispheres and this area and the self alignment...

Page 18: ...egularities in the tracking of the wheels Illustration No 7 is an underneath view of th7e front end of the frame showing the near side steering arm to which are attached two ball sockets of the Steer...

Page 19: ...n in Illustration No 8 A cross shaft is placed ADJUSTMENT Figure 9 it s o I hi i ralil cross s h a l shu ving 1111 11 11111 n dIouL I r l e I USLIIICIILS n dthe m a n n c r in hiclr t h e croz 5 sh 11...

Page 20: shaft is lubricated from the dashwall nipples and in order to give perfect freedom for the rotation of the cross shaft it is mounted at one end on what are term ed needle bearings These are shown i...

Page 21: ...with the two pull off springs can be seen The purpose of the countersunk screw in the fluted portion of the h u b is t o provide a means of easy acoess t o the split pin of the h u b nut W h e n the...

Page 22: ...ustments A number of adjustmlents periodically required by the M G Midget can be carried out by the average owner driver and thmese are briefly described below Separate chapters are devoted to the car...

Page 23: ...WATER MANIFOLD EXHAUSl MANlFOLQ STARTER PINION INSPECTION PLUG VALVE COVER REMOVED Figure 15 01 1 5 i i l 1 i t of tl11 1l c 3 l i l g 1 1 l xI II rngin vi li valvv covc r reninv 11 PAGE SIXTEEN...

Page 24: ...front oil drain pil v 1 oI x r L st s os v x h a u tHangc vasher D Waslirr for top rwtl 01 r lr oil clrain i n c J Jclint for c xli lust rn lnilolrl 1 K I Vaslir rs for 11111 end IF v 11 r Kt rr oil 1...

Page 25: ...removal of the manifolds dismantling may be continu ed as follows Uncouple the oil deliv ery pipe from th e cylinder head near sidse forward by unscnewing the single retaining bolt and withdraw the oi...

Page 26: ...d to take the hlow T h e joint may however not break freely in which case it is permissible to insert a screwdriver or similar blunt wedge shaped tool bet cen the joint at the two places one on either...

Page 27: ...see Illustration No 17 W i t h a hlunt screwdriver carefully scrape away the carbon deposit adhering t o the surface of t h e combustion spaces taking particular care t o go round each valve with a s...

Page 28: ...found its corresponding number T h e grinding in process consists in coating th e bevelled face of the valve with a small quantity of valve grinding paste applied on the end of a match stick reinsert...

Page 29: ...e taken to see that they are in their correct ports Re ssernblyof the valve is not a difficult matter After inserting the valve in its guide and resting its head on the uood packing block the valve sp...

Page 30: ...TION I W SPANNER INLET PORTS ROCKER engince is warm preferably at about normal running temperature O n the one sid e of the Rocker will be found a hexagon bronze nut and in the Rocker itself a locking...

Page 31: ...g the removal of the cylinder head do not ttemptto use i t again but immedintely procure I new one See that an ncw gasket doeh not burr up a r o n d the stud holes and that the cylinder bore openings...

Page 32: ...of the flywheel bearing the numbers 114 This mark should he exactly in the centre of the opening in the clutch housing V4LVE GUIDES FRONT END OIL DRAIN OIL FEED TO ROCKERS I VERTICAL AND CAMSHAFT DRI...

Page 33: ...own and clearances should be check ed subsequently every 2 000 miles Engine Bearings The mileagse which may be covered before th e main and big end bearings require attention will depend entirely upon...

Page 34: ...r springs the lock nut on each lever should be released and the adjusting screw slackened back by means of a screwdriver until at least a 10 thousandths feeler gauge can be inserted between the end of...

Page 35: ...uring adjustment Adjustment 2 Adjustment for play between the follower and track although very seldom required and not at all until the Car has been in use a considerable time is effected by renewal o...

Page 36: ...oving the shims Should the thrust bearings he for any reason taken off the shaft care should be taken to replace them the right way round T h e right way round is when the word thrust stamped in one s...

Page 37: ...uld be put on the next serration on th e focker shaft which may put matt ers right If no serration will give free movement of the steering wheel at both locks then the front axle stops must be look ed...

Page 38: ...t full retard The points may require adjustment from time to time and a spanner is provided with the Tool Kit for this purpose The clearance between the points should be 1 5 20 1000 of an inch INTERIO...

Page 39: ...ts are fore and aft and the distributor rotor is pointing to No 1 contact th en the engine is on top dead c entre on No 1 cylinder The cross head coupling attached to the dynamo is connect ed to the c...

Page 40: to prevent any joining cornpound finding its ay in the delivery or release hnles The underneath side of the sump can be seen in thih illustration liowirlg the manner ir vhich it is rihhed for cool...

Page 41: wheel which receives a tongue attached to the spindl e driving the High Tension Distributor It follows therefore that if the Distributor is rernovfed at any time it can only be put back in two ways...

Page 42: held in position by a key DYNAMO REMOVED TO SHOW METHOD OF DRIVE Illustration No 23 shows the necessity of employing a puller to remove the helical bevel pinion from the crankshaft Th e holes in t...

Page 43: bevel wheel is a tight fit on the shafr hrlcl in position I a key allcl i is nvcessary to utilise a wheel removal tool similar to that sho vn in or lrr to Psrract this l hc principal parts are a fo...

Page 44: with drawn wiped clean reinserted to its full length nithdra vnagain and then read These precautions are necessary as when the engine is running the oii in the sump is churned up and splashes on t...

Page 45: ...upon the resistance of the spring It is obviously possible to increase the tension of thc spring by introd cing wmhers in the c lp or obtaining a stronger spring 1 111 no such ilter tio ls should 1 e...

Page 46: ...ery duct extends vertically to the cylinder head M here it encounters a restrictor pin The Oil Restrictor The Restrictor o r metering pin is for the purpose of regulating the oil feed to the overhcad...

Page 47: ...onn ecting the pipe from the filter th e oil can be drained out of the sump but as the filter must eventually be removed for cleaning this may as well be remov ed right away for by so doing it will gr...

Page 48: ...o give the necessary clearance between the clutch plates wh8en th e clutch is disengaged and equally to prevent slipping when engaged PIN B GUIDE FLYWHEEL ADJUSTMENT L U T C H COVER PLATE Figure 34 L...

Page 49: ...that they can work effectively and one can visualise jhat l etting in th e clutch with a jerk may rough up the friction faces Alternatively by letting the clutch continually slip the centre plate wil...

Page 50: ...llnws I Clutch cover plate 2 Centre floating plate 3 Withdra val lever 4 Fitting fur vithdrawal lever 5 Adjusting set screw 6 Spring steel clip to prevrnt withdrawal lcvcr movement 7 O n e of the bolt...

Page 51: ...are supplied with half rings xvhich fit into the grocves on the rol11 rs The whole of thc universal joint is entirely enclosed by covers held i n position hy a spring It is necessary to keep this sli...

Page 52: ...pieces having nuts of the ring type on either side the object of these nuts is to permit of lateral movement of the unit in order to obtain correct meshing of the bevel gears Once these have been set...

Page 53: ...N WHEEL BEVEL PINION AND SHAFT Figure 41 Thr cornponl nc c i l 1111 rlilTi rr lti l lion in 1111 I I I I I rmr v cl iron1 th 3 1 1 o u i n y and lie drivinK l i l 11i1lii111 111d II IIL l i i i l v l...

Page 54: ...If ever the ring nuts have to be slackened they can be driven off by a brass drift and hammer Steel punches should never be used except in absolute emergency FLAT SPRING LEAF DISTANCE OIL FEE COMTLET...

Page 55: ...ront end of both front and rear springs are pivotted upon fixed points As a spring compresses o r expands due to load or riding over inequalities the rear end af the springs slide to and fro T h e mai...

Page 56: ...ed motor car will give lasting n dtrouble frce service T h e accompanyinfi wiring diagram may appear a little con plic rtedto the average car user and are really only intended to act as a cuide in the...

Page 57: ...are as shown in Illustration Nos 44 and 45 The instrument board contains reading from left to right an ammeter a switch controlling the side and tail and head lamp illumination the speedometer which i...

Page 58: ...COUNTER MIRROR KEY SWITCH SPEEDO T R I B l LEVER A OIL CLOCK GUAGE AMMETER WINDER Figure 47 Rchin l 1h 1 insirurnenl panel on the h1 C Miclgrt lode1 I r Two Sc ltrr Note particulnrlv ihc y x e d o rip...

Page 59: ...iven and removed Two views of the dynamo can be seen in Illustration No 49 O n the left hand side it will be seen that the pinion is held on to a shaft by a holt having a very wide head and also a tab...

Page 60: ...spring lever back o u t of th e way with drawing the brush from its holder T h e new brush can then b e fitted by reversing the operation W I T H R A W A L BOLT W h e n ordering new brush replacements...

Page 61: equipment without first disconnecting the batt ery lead on replacement watch ammeter for any undue discharge Dynamo Field Fuse A fuse is provided in the dynamo field circuit to protect the machine...

Page 62: ...amo driv e gear coincides with the centr e line of the dynamo and is at the rear that is ready for engagemsent with the correspondingly marked teeth of the drive gear on the crankshaft Th e holes in t...

Page 63: ...rd Brush which is shown quite clearly in Illustration No 50 It is inadvisable for anybody who is not an electrician to tamper with this but in case th e Amp Meter reads more than 2 amps when all the h...

Page 64: ...tained at all chemists and most garages should be added to bring th e level well above the plates If how ever acid solution has been spilled it should be replaced by a dilut ed sulphuric acid solution...

Page 65: at seven amperes the meter will show four amps on the charge sid e of the scal e This is thme current in excess of the lamp and ignition load which is available for battery charging purposes Fuses...

Page 66: ...t the contacts C are kept free from any grease or oil If they are burned or blacken ed they may be cleaned with very fine emery cloth and afterwards with a cloth moistened with petrol Care must be tak...

Page 67: ...low tension wiring is in order If the rerrding does not fluctuate in this way a short in the low tension wiring is indicated ot the contacts are remaining closed When no reading is given a broken or...

Page 68: ...e U Scnv 1ie ld D Clamping screlv Removing the Front and Reflector The headlamps are constructed with detachable fronts parobolic reflectors and focussing devices T o remove lamp front give the screw...

Page 69: ...plug in its hold er and secur e by tightening the coupling nut B Replacement of Bulbs When the replacement of any bulb is necessary we strongly advise that Lucas Rotax bulbs are used The filaments are...

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Page 72: ...pump plungers C o r K sticking due to dirt o r grit getting between the pump plungers and the body Often a blow o n the pump with the fist is sufficient to get it working when the dirt will pass righ...

Page 73: ...l it is due to a Blocked petrol pipe o r filters in which case the filters o r pipe must be cleaned out b Batteries run down in which case fill the float chamber of the pump with petrol This will prob...

Page 74: ...plunger K will have the same effect Please not e the oil must be thin T h e Petrol Pump is unconditionally guaranteed except for obvious mishandling by the makers Th e S U Carbur etter Co Ltd East Wor...

Page 75: ...d that the jet is of a fixed standard size and cannot be altered The only possible adjustm ent other than the slow running adjustment is the fitting of a new needle of a different size Since a needle...

Page 76: ...fter t lking w y the guide the necdle will drop str iglito u t the sc tirigshould on no ilccount be ground ill Synchronisation of Carburetters Reforc attempting to adjust the car hurett c rs it is adv...

Page 77: ......

Page 78: ...r square inch Rear Wheels 37 Ibs per square inch These pressures relate to I car with the two front seats occupied When rear seats arc occupied pressure should be increased in the rear tyres to about...

Page 79: ulclers o the r1m The tyre cannot blow off llt catlse the e d r s a e inustensil le nrither can the tyre ellgr be liftt l by levers iron1 t h r rim sl oultlers o e r t l e rim r lgcs I j u f 11y p...

Page 80: ...our Seater and Salonette 1 Tool Roll 1 1 0 Screwdriver in roll 1 Adj Spanner 1 Pair 6 Pliers 1 Tappet Spanner 1 7 3 x 1 H 1 6 9 3 1 9 1 x L 2 16 7 9 9 1 1 4X 9 9 1 Contact Breaker Spanner 1 Grease Gun...

Page 81: ...on steering and tyre life Do not lean o n open doors DO not under any circumstances allow the oil level to fall below half full it is best to keep it always up to three quarters at least Do not mix d...

Page 82: ...rgate Telrplrulzc Carlisle 715 CHELTENHAM The Imperial Motor Mart Royal Crescent l elepl one C l eltenh in 2116j CHESTER The Grosvenor Motor Co Ltd 43 Foregate Street I e l c p l o r Chester 081 COVEN...

Page 83: ...Norwich 2 2 2 3 NOTTINGHAM Messrs C H Truman Co Ltd 61a Mansfield Road Telephone Nottingham 43087 OXFORD The Morris Garages Ltd St Aldate s Tclephovre Oxford 2241 PRESTON Messrs Merigold Bros 147 8 Ch...

Page 84: ...eld Lane Teleplzoite Willesden 6041 4 Telegrams Sercltrnd Phone Harlrs 9 LONDON N W 10 Serck Radiators Ltd Park Royal Road Telephone 5441 2 Telegrams Serckrad 10 LIVERPOOL iv er ool Radiator Co Ltl Fo...

Page 85: ...Serck Ltd l1 Sturr6ck Street Telcpliot c Iiilmarnocl 747 Telegrams Serckrad 10 LEICESTER Victory Radiator Welding Works Woodgate Telephone 20180 9 11 L E I G H T O N S A J Keeling Shn Scarborough Dri...

Page 86: ...COVENTRY Priory Street Telephone Coventry 3008 Telegrams Lucas Coventry DUBLIN Portland St North North Circular Road l elq5horre Lhrncondra 434 6 lines Telegrams Luserv Dublin EDINnURGH 32 Ste ensonR...

Page 87: ...dsham Street Telephone 878 Telegrams Serckrad CROYDON J Richards Sons Ltl Wellesley Road Telc plroire 0456 Telegranzs Richards 0456 Croydon LINCOLN W Hindle 70 Kesteven Street LONDON W 1 John Lancaste...
