The module Bass-522 is basically composed of the circuit of the MFB-522 Bass Drum but its
sound can be wider edited. Beyond that, the module allows a control of the four sound
parameters – sound, decay, tune and pitch through the CV signals like envelope curves, LFOs
and Step Sequencers.
The type and the electricity supply of the module Bass-522 is compatible with the Doepfer A-
100 modular system. The ten-pin MFB connection cable is connected with the 16 pin jack of
the MIDI/CV board or the Doepfer bus-board. The supply voltage has to total up to +/- 12
volt. A 5 volt voltage is not necessary. The wattage is +/- 30 mA. The module width amounts
to 8 HP = 40 mm.
You have to make sure that there is the correct politary! The coloured wire of the
ribbon cable has to look down, that means the cable is not allowed to be twisted.
The Bass Drum is actuated by the
jack. There can be used an analogue or a digital gate
signal of a step sequencer, MIDI-CV/Gate tranformer or a square wave LFO. There can be
used drum pads, piezos or dynamic microphones alternatively. Dynamic trigger affect pitch
and decay next to the attack and volume. With the help of the trim regulator
are you able
to adjust the input sensibilty to the trigger signal. The highest trigger voltage should be not
more than 0,1 volt. The input reacts to the positive edge of the trigger signal. The audio signal
is taken from the jack
and will be carried to a mixer, (DRUM -99 for example), VCA or
any other sound editing modules. This output can be connected directly to a mixer or an audio
The frequency will be adjusted with the pot
, whose range lies with 35 Hz and 60Hz. The
frequency can be controlled with any CV signal through the input
. The pot works as an
attenuator in this case.
controls the length of a concrete adjusted Pitch Envelope typical for TR-909 or
Simmons bass drums. This can be modulated via
- CV input, in this mode the regulator
works as attentuato too.
sets the release time of the bass tone up to one second. The
CV In let control the
time via CV, the regulator works as attentuator as well.
filters the attack transient and noise source. Via internal jumper you can choose CV In
will controls
adds the volume of white noise (decay differs with decay settings of the bass tone). Via
internal jumper you can choose CV In will controls
: The required voltage for all CV-inputs needs to be within a range of 0 to 5 volts.
The module offers the new developed M-Bus connector whats mean you can you control
everything via Midi/CV interface or our SEQ-01 Pro drumsequencer without additional
patching. Modules get connected serial, M-Bus to first modul, first modul to second modul
and so far .. Following adresses are supported:
Trigger MIDI Note #35 oder #36, depend to the jumpers position,with velocity.
MIDI Controller values for
Tune = 17
Pitch = 25
Decay = 33
Ton = 41
Noise = 49
Noise Decay = 57
Controllers getting ignored if another bass module is triggered. For bass drum modules Midi
Notes #33, #34, #35 und #36 are reserved. Once the Bass-522 reserved trigger appears again
the modul reacts to CC again.
The value of controller will be added to the pots.
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