The MFB-602 is a programmable monophonic Step-Sequencer. There are 8 sets, each
including 8 sequences with up to 64 steps. The note range is 2 ½ octaves with individual
notelengths and rests.In addition 8 songs with up to 64 sequences can be programmed.
In order to control newer and older Synthesizers, the MFB-602 offers MIDI-In/Out as well
as CV/Gate-Out.
Plug the included power adapter into the Power socket in the rear. Connect MIDI-Out to the
MIDI Input of your Synthesizer or Computer. The CV/Gate output can be used in parallel.
Push On/Off to siwtch the MFB-602 on. The display will read „S00„.
There are two status modes:
Sequence-Mode (left display will show = S)
Compose-Mode (left display will show = C).
Toggle between Sequence- and Compose mode with Mode/+1.
Play starts and stops the sequencer. Tempo will adjust the speed of the playback.
Only one set (with 8 sequences) is active at a time. To select this set, press one of the white
keys C1...C8 while switching the MFB-602 on.
Selecting a sequence in a set is easy: Press and hold Bank/+1 and one of the white keys
You can use the whole keyboard (13 keys) to transpose the selected sequence in realtime.
Creating sequences
The pitch of a sequence step is defined with one of the 12 keys C1...B7. Shift up one octave
by additonally pressing Bank/+1. Mode/+2 will transpose up two octaves (highest pitch is
Hit F#/P to insert rests and G5/R to set the reset.
To adjust the duration of a step (note and rest) use the yellow button to the right. There are
eight possible lenghts.
LED indication:
Off Off Off
On Off Off
On On Off
dotted 1/8
Off On Off
1/4 Note
Off On On
dotted 1/4 Note
Off Off On
1/2 Note
On Off On
1/4 Note glide (only CV/Gate)
On On On
1/1 Note
Hitting the yellow button will step forward through the notelengths, holding it for longer
than a second will move a step backwards.
Hint: Programming can be speed up by reducing the choice of available notelengths from
eight to four. This is done by switching the MFB-602 on while pressing and holding the
right yellow switch. There will be only only four values 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 and 1/2 available until
repetition of this procedure.
Recording a sequence
Use Bank/+1 and C1...C8 to select the sequence to record. Record enables note input. The
display will indicate this with a dot next to „S„.
First select the notelength (yellow button) and then the pitch with C1...B7 (and octave
transpose). The following steps are entered in the same way. If steplength is not adjusted the
previous value will be kept.
Insert rests with Mode/+2 and F#/P. To define the reset of the sequence of less than 64
steps use Mode/+2 and G5/R. If a reset is not defined the following steps of the previous
programmed seqeunce will be kept.
Press Record to return to Play Mode. Hitting Play will playback the sequence.
Step Edit
Stepping through the sequence is possible with C8/Step. Every step is displayed in pitch
while holding the key (0=C1...31=Reset) or in position. Use this feature in Record-Mode to
correct faulty pitches. Simply step to the position and correct the note by reentering.
Hint: The MFB-602 offers 64 steps. Remember that these steps are not always equal to
standard 16th notes in a 4/4 beat. It is possible to program Step 1 as an 8th note. This means
that Step 2 will already be the 3rd unit in that measure.
Another example: A sequence consists of twelve 16ths and two 8th notes. To loop a
complete measure set the reset after step 14.
For straight sequences simply sum up all steplenghths and make sure the result matches the
signature of your drumcomputer. For a full 4/4 bar your result has to be 16.
Of course you can set all kinds of signatues by placing the reset at any point you want. This
makes it easy to create shifting or even polyrhythmic sequences in combination with other
1/16 note
1/8 note
1/4 note
1/2 note
1 full note
Compose mode
The MFB-602 can store eight combinations of up to 64 sequences. Each step can include a
sequence and a transposition. As each sequence is combined with a transposition value there
is no repeat function. So the same sequence repeated will use a step in compose mode.