• High impedance sources (guitar, bass, keyboards) should be
plugged into a DI. These are commonly called “Hi-Z”.
• Low impedance sources (microphones, line-level devices) should be
plugged into mic preamps or line-level inputs. These are commonly
called “Lo-Z”.
There are two kinds of inserts used by Metric Halo:
• Analog: The ULN-2 and ULN-8 offer insert points that allow external
processors to be patched between the onboard mic pres and A/D
converters. The output is called the send, and the input back into
the interface is the return.
• DSP: MIOConsole3d has 10 insert slots per strip that allow plug-ins,
Graphs, and sends to be placed in the signal path.
The delay between when an audio signal enters and exits a device,
process or sound system. A system with high latency sounds "behind" the
performers, because there is an audible delay between when they make
a sound and it is heard from the audio gear.
Line level
Describes the electrical signal level used to connect audio devices togeth-
er. Common nominal line levels are +4 dBu and -10 dBV.
Linear fade
A fade up or down which has a constant gain change over time. In the
example below, the linear fade causes the straight lines in the fade in and
Figure 462: Linear Fade
Logarithmic fade
A fade up or down which changes gain faster at the end of a fade up and
faster at the beginning of a fade out. In the example below, the Logarith-
mic fade causes the curved lines in the fade in and out. A logarithmic fade
tends to sound more natural on audio material.