The DSP Toolchest
delay time, the interpolation has the effect of shifting the pitch of the delayed signal as the delay
time is changing.
This version of the delay utilizes the external memory block for the delay buffer. If you get a mes-
sage that MIOConsole3d can't instantiate the plug-in, you will need to use fewer memory-intensive
plug-ins such as delays and reverbs.
[0, 23.999k] samps
Specifies the delay throught the process block in samples.
[0, 544.195] ms
Specifies the delay throught the process block in milliseconds.
Master Bypass
{On, Off}
When engaged sets the delay through the block to 0.
MIO Delay (96k)
• Synopsis: Long (2 sec) Delay
• Category: Delay, Building Blocks
• Channels: 1, 2
Provides an integer sample delay from the input to the output. Changes in the delay time are
interpolated, allowing you to change the delay time with no glitches. For large changes in the
delay time, the interpolation has the effect of shifting the pitch of the delayed signal as the delay
time is changing.
This version of the delay utilizes the external memory block for the delay buffer. If you get a mes-
sage that MIOConsole3d can't instantiate the plug-in, you will need to use fewer memory-intensive
plug-ins such as delays and reverbs
[0, 95.999k] samps
Specifies the delay throught the process block in samples.
[0, 2.17685k] ms
Specifies the delay throught the process block in milliseconds.
Master Bypass
{On, Off}
When engaged sets the delay through the block to 0.
MIO Delay (1k IM)
• Synopsis: Short (1024 sample/Internal Memory) Delay
• Category: Delay, Building Blocks