MIOConsole3d Session
“Take” block
block appears to the right of the Transport Control section.
Take shows the number of the currently recording Take. This number will remain current
after a recording is stopped, and will update only at the start of a new Take.
“Current” Take Number is a read-only field.
Figure 12.44: Session: “Take” display
• The
Next Take
field shows the number of the next Take. Click on this field to edit the ‘Next Take’
Figure 12.45: “Next Take” field: click to edit
Figure 12.46: “Next Take” field: with new Next Take number
• Hitting the ‘Return’ or ‘Tab’ key commits the change:
Figure 12.47: “Next Take” field: new Next Take number committed
• When the new recording is triggered, the ‘Next Take’ number is transferred to ‘Current Take’ (and
is used as the take number for the recorded filenames), and the Next Take number is automatically
Figure 12.48: “Next Take” field: auto-increments at the start of each new Take