The MIOConsole3d Application
Figure 10.120: ‘Link Group Assign’ window with multiple strip selection
‘Cascade to selected strips’ will be checked, and upon hitting ‘Apply’ your Link Group selection will
be applied to all of your selected Mixer strips. In the above case, the Link Group selection would
be applied to “Input Mono”, “Host stereo”, and “In 3” through “In 6”, ignoring “Aux Strip” and
“Group Strip” since they were not part of the original selection.
• When multiple Link Groups are assigned to a Mixer strip, the Link Group button for that strip will
show as much of the first Link Group name as will fit in the width of the Strip, plus a
sign or an
to indicate there's more than one. Hover the mouse cursor over the Link Group button and
a tool-tip will pop up showing all Link Groups assigned to that strip:
Figure 10.121: Tooltip revealing multiple Link Group assignments
• Link Groups can be Enabled or Disabled at will by clicking their checkbox in the Status Pane: Link
Groups List. Disabling (unchecking) all Link Groups for a strip will make the Link Groups button for
that strip turn yellow, indicating "All Link Groups are Bypassed".