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blue’Log X series
P(AI) procedure
With this procedure, the active power P is used as the control value.
The specified target value is provided by the grid operator as an analog input signal.
This is possible for example via a remote control system with an analog output
connected to an analog input of the blue’Log. The target value is calculated from the
analog value using a two-point linear equation. For configuration, the highest and
lowest measurement values for the analog signal are required. These lie at the end and
the start of the line.
Fig. 62: P(AI) Power Control procedure: Setting measured values
Input box
Analog input
Description of the analog input on the blue’Log
Lowest measured
Value pair for the lowest operating point (example: 4 mA
corresponds to a specified control value of 0 % P
Highest measured
Value pair for the highest operating point (example:
20 mA corresponds to a specified control value of 100 %
Retain last value
If enabled, the last valid specified value is retained in the
event of an error. The configured fallback value (see Fig.
55: Power Control) loses its validity for this procedure