Digital Owner's Manual
Audio and communications
Introduction of the New G-Class, Model Series 463
Customer benefits
This Digital Owner's Manual enables the customer to
find information on operating their vehicle in the
COMAND Online system. It contains both the descrip-
tions for the operation of the vehicle as well as the
instructions for the COMAND Online system.
The Digital Owner's Manual gives the customer a
number of advantages over a printed product. In addi-
tion to the aspect of the availability of the information
in the vicinity of the driver, the main advantage is the
extensive information search capabilities provided by
the electronic medium. These include, for example,
visual search and keyword search.
Depending on the market variant of the head unit, the
customer can call up the required information in up to
17 languages:
• Availability of the content/information in vicinity of
• Quick and convenient search capabilities in the
• Several options for content search
• Display on display of COMAND Online system
• 100% digitization of the previous vehicle and
COMAND Online owner's manual
The Digital Owner's Manual is supplemented by a
downsized printed version, which contains the basic
operating instructions for safe use of the vehicle.
View of owner's manual
The Digital Owner's Manual is found in the
COMAND Online radio/navigation system under the
globe symbol. It is operated via the COMAND
controller located on the center console.
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