Program status
Display message
Sterilization phase
When the required pressure and
temperature have been reached the
sterilization proper then begins.
The display shows alternately the
pressure and temperature and the time
Pressure release
After completion of the sterilization time,
the pressure is released and the steam
generator emptied.
Pressure and temperature fall.
Drying phase
After pressure release the drying phase
At this point it is possible to stop the
program without this leading to a fault
being reported, since the sterilization
itself is now completed. However, with the
exception of the "Quick Program", the
drying phase should be allowed to run to
After the drying, the chamber is
ventilated, with pressure equalisation.
Program end
After ventilation of the chamber the
program is completed.
If a printer is attached and print-out "yes"
is selected, the record will be printed-out
After the door has automatically unlocked
the door can be opened to remove the
sterilized objects.
Program Start-Stop
V e n t i l a t i o n
- 0 . 1 2 b a r 6 0 ° C
Program Start-Stop
O p e n d o o r
p l e a s e
Program Start-Stop
Q u i c k - p r o g r a m
R u n s u c c e s s f u l l y
Program Start-Stop
S t e r i l i z a t i o n
S t i l l 2 m i n 1 2 s e c
Program Start-Stop
S t e r i l i z a t i o n
2 . 1 8 b a r 1 3 5 ° C
Program Start-Stop
P r e s s u r e r e l e a s e
0 . 8 5 b a r 9 6 ° C
Program Start-Stop
I m m e d i a t e r e m o v a l
P r e s s S T O P
Program Start-Stop
V a c u u m - d r y i n g
1 ' - 0 . 9 b a r 9 9 ° C
Program Start-Stop
P l e a s e w a i t
D o o r u n l o c k i n g