3 Configuration DCF600HS
3.1.1 Firmware Updates
Whenever the onboard software must be upgraded or modified, the new firmware can be downloaded to the
internal flash memory via the serial port COM0. There is no need to open the case and insert a new EPROM.
In order to load the appropriate software during operation of DCF600HS you must have the Flash program
"mbgflash.exe" (included) to start.
First, select "Processor" the designated processor SAM3U. Then check under "Comport" the correct port (COM
1/COM 2).
Then choose "File" - "Open" the selected firmware. Now, by "Flash" button, the selected firmware is loaded into
the DCF600HS. In this operation, the device must be connected to the given operating voltage.
Date: 24th July 2018