Meiji Techno MX7500 Series Instruction Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for MX7500 Series

Page 1: ...MX75OOand MX85O0sen es Brightli eIdI Darkl ieId pJaJJ lrurbnJ rMsmpc Gidd ffi ffi rr rEULTEcHlto a ffi u 4t MEIJITECHNO JAPAN F7t t l CO LTD...

Page 2: ...eration Darkfield 3 4 Transmitted LightOperation Brightfield 3 5 Usingthe Polarizer Slide ln Analyzer 3 6 Photomicrography with35mmSLRandDigital SLRCameras 3 7 Photomicrography withDigital StillCamera...

Page 3: ...mera adapters 1 1Microscope Features Computer AidedDesigned FrameandOptics All Newand lmproved PlanEpiscopic Objectives SlimCompact Footprint Infinity Corrected Optical System Powerful 12V50WVertical...

Page 4: ...n a wellgrounded socket Do notusein an ungrounded power receptacle or in caseswherethereis a breakinthegroundconductor or damageto theelectrical wiring Onlyfusesof the specified typeand ratingareto be...

Page 5: ...use neglect misuse improper operation normalwear accident improper maintenance or modifications of ANYtype Thiswarranty does notcoverrepairor replacement wherenormalusehasexhausted the lifeof a partor...

Page 6: ...eexcluded to theextentexclusions are permitted by law Thiswarrantygivesyou specificlegalrightsandyou mayalsohaveotherrightswhich varyfromstateto state Thiswarrantysetsforththe customer s exclusive rem...

Page 7: ...s Integrated illuminator MX8500 series Dropdowncoaxial stagecontrols 15 Focustension adjustment turnthe knurled ringcounter clockwise to tighten thetension Adjustable safetyknob turnleverclockwise to...

Page 8: ...enordering moreequipment ordering replacement partsor accessories or whencalling fortechnical support Pleasemakesurethatno smallpiecesor partsareleft in the packingmaterial Keepthe packingmaterials in...

Page 9: ...ator to theback of the microscope Powersupplyis built in the microscope Plugthe powercordsetto the microscope andtheotherendintoa grounded outlet o MXB5O0 series Connect thecordfromthe incident illumi...

Page 10: ...other userswill havedifferent lP sanddifferent focusinqabilities interpupillary distance 3 0Operation Oncethemicroscope hasbeensetupin itsworkinglocation withallof thecomponents correcfly installed it...

Page 11: ...alsoneedto be donewhenever the bulbis changed 3 2IncidentLightOperation Brightfield MX7500 MX8500 series 1 First setyourinterpupillary distance on the microscope eyetubes by pulling themapartor pushin...

Page 12: ...power Stopping downthediaphragm decreases resolution andbrightness butincreases imagecontrast and depthof focus 3 3lncidentLightOperation Darkfield 1 Toengagedarkfield mode pullthedarkfield selector...

Page 13: ...theobjective nosepiece 6 By usingthecoarseandfinefocusknobsshownabove adjustyourspecimen intofocuswithyourleft eyeclosed looking onlythrough the righteyetube Withthespecimen in focus closethe righteye...

Page 14: ...res Thepolarizing filteris engaged bydropping it intooneof thefilterslotslocated alongthetopof the illuminator tubeas shownin thedrawinq below Slide lnAnalyzer Theanalyzer is mounted in a sliderwhichi...

Page 15: ...edwiththe corresponding T2 AdapterRingthat matches thecamerato be used Thetablebelowshowsthedifferent cameras andadapterringsthat canbe used SLRCameras T2 CameraAdapterRings T2 1 Canon T2 2 Minolta T2...

Page 16: ...42 Canon Powershot G3 G5 M A 1 5 1 3 0 4 1 MA 151 30 41 M4151 40 40 MA151 45 40 MA151 50 40 Canon Powershol G6 MA15 t 30 31 M A 1 5 1 3 0 3 1 MA151 40130 MA151 45 30 MA151 50 30 Canon Powershot G7 MA...

Page 17: ...the top of the photo tube a 1 L t l t I l t __ r _ DK3000 CK3100N orCK3100P 1 3 CCDCamera CK3900N orCK3900P CCDCamera T2 1 Canon T2 2 Minolta T2 3 Pentax K T2 4 Pentax S T2 5 Nikon T2 6 Olympus T2 7...

Page 18: ...oto tube MAl51 35 25 C MountAdapterwith 2 5X lens lstips over existing photo tube 4 0Maintenance andCleaning o a o flwnnrunc Disconnect thepowercordon yourequipment priorto performing cleaning mainten...

Page 19: ...a softlint free cotton lf thatfails try usingmedical or reagent to remove dustandlooseparticles clothmoistened withdistilled water gradeisopropyl alcohol Cleaning theObjectives onrcen Objectives shoul...

Page 20: ...e mostcommonoperational problems include the improper positioning of contrast accessories theimproper adjustment or the incorrect partsinstalled lf youareunable to obtainthedesired image fromthemicros...

Page 21: ...e theblownfusefromthefusecap o Replace thefusewiththeCORRECT typeandratingwhichis BackPanel 30WHalogenSystems IECStandard 5 X 20mm3 ampFast Acting suchas Littelfuse 217Seriesor Bussmann GDBSeries o Re...

Page 22: ...tilthe housing andbulbhavecooledsufficiently o Loosen theclampscrewanddirectthe backing plateso it canbe removed fromthe housing o Removethe defective lamp o Placea newlampintothesocketwhileavoiding t...

Page 23: ...heglass Notice thebulbis wrapped in plastic Useit to avoidtouching theglassenvelope duringinstallation o Be surethebulbis pushedin as faras possible thereby aligning thefilament intheilluminator o Rei...

Page 24: ...0 inclined 30mml D eyetubes included withMX7520 MX8520 Siedentopf typetrinocular head 30 inclined 30mml D eyetubes included withMX7530 MX 8530 Siedentopf Ergonomic typebinocular head adjustable 10 50...

Page 25: ...lassstageplate 100mmx 100mmx y travel included in MX8500series MA958 Photo Video attachment for MA957Ergonomic Head 80 20beamsplitter MA809 10 Replacement 115VAC Powercordwithplug USA M4809 20 Replace...

Page 26: ...uction of lighttransmission by 50 percent or a I Oassage of lightof 50 percent I ClearBlueFilter I ClearBlueFilter Suppresses redwavelengths I Usedto achieve desired colorbalance Adds I alternative co...

Page 27: ...10 0Physical Dimensions 1n ffl l ll ri ts 26...

Page 28: ...ineyard Axbridge Somerset 8526 2AN U K Phone Fax E mail Web Tollfree Phone Fax E mail Web Phone Fax E mail Web 049 259 0111 049 259 0113 meiji meij itechno co jp http www meijitech no co j p 800 832 0...
