Megacon DigiFlex User Manual Download Page 1

User Guide


Manage Your Energy

User area:

The DigiFlex is a portable tool to be used as a complement to fixed

installed earth fault monitoring systems or five wire earth fault systems

in an AC system.

When the supervising system alarms, the DigiFlex is able to show

in which group wire or burden the fault is to be found.

The flexible current sensor allows metering during operation

even in places that are hard to reach in a distribution board

or switchroom. The meter accuracy is high (±10%) and is able

to recognize current faults down to 20mA.

How to use the DigiFlex:

Apply the flexible current sensor around where you want to measure and start the instrument.

Upon current sum metering, which is the method used for measuring earth faults or five wire faults, all wires that nor-

mally lead electricity (phases and neutral) must be covered by the current sensor. PE, the earth wire must pass outside 

the sensor.

Metering tips:


Upon measuring parallell cables to the same burden, phase and earth in all wires must be inside the  


current sensor.


The level of fault that is monitored in a fixed mounted unit does not necessarily correspond to the value    


on a portable instrument. This is caused by that several faults may be found on each group with different phase  




Current faults measured in a earth wire (PE) may not be compared to sum current measuring. Earth fault cur 


rents may choose several ways back to the supplying transformer, and split out over the total system as well as  


other electrically lead objects in the facility.


The most frequent fault in a five wire system is that the earht and PE are connected. This fault does not result in  


fuses or current protectors to discharge.


In a five wire system with three-pole fuses, current faults may be shown even if the current device is turned off. 


This may be caused by faults according to point 4, circulating currents in the facility that are redirected through  


the earth since this is not discharged at three-pole break.


As always when working in an electrical environment, caution must be taken.

In a five wire system, the earth is always to be treated with as much respect as the phase leader. If the earth is connected 

incorrectly between different groups, the earth may be fully electrically activated even if the current device is turned off 

or if the fuses are removed.

Megacon AB

Ranhammarsvägen 20 - 168 67 Bromma - Tel 08-402 42 50 - Fax 08-26 80 50 - - 

