MEATEST, s.r.o.
M-142 Multifunction Calibrator
User Manual v54
Command syntax
The commands described in this chapter can be issued through both buses (GPIB and RS232).
All commands listed in this chapter are explained in two columns:
KEYWORD column includes the name of the command. Each command includes one or more keywords. If a
keyword is in brackets ( [ ] ), it is not mandatory. Non-mandatory commands are used only to achieve
compatibility with language standard SCPI.
Capitals designate the abbreviated form of the commands; extended form is written in lowercase.
Command parameters are in brackets (<>); each parameter is separated using a comma. Parameters in brackets (
[ ] ) are not mandatory. Line ( | ) means “or” and is used to separate several alternative parameters.
Semicolon ‘;’ is used to separate more commands written on one line.
E.g. VOLT 2.5 ; OUTP ON
Each command must end in <cr> or <lf>. Both codes <crlf> can be used at the same time. The calibrator
performs all commands written on one line of the program after it receives <cr>, <lf> or <crlf> code. Without
this code, the program line is ignored.
Description of abbreviations
<DNPD> = Decimal Numeric Program Data, this format is used to express decimal number with or without the
<CPD> =
Character Program Data. Usually, it represents a group of alternative character parameters. E.g.
{ON | OFF | 0 | 1}.
? =
A flag indicating a request for the value of the parameter specified by the command. No other
parameter than the question mark can be used.
(?) =
A flag indicating a request for the parameter specified by the command. This command permits a
value to be set as well as requested.
<cr> =
carriage return. ASCII code 13. This code executes the program line.
<lf> =
line feed. ASCII code 10. This code executes the program line.
OUTPut subsystem
This subsystem allows to control the output terminals of M142 calibrator, to activate the four-wire output or to
switch the calibrator to x50 current coil (option 140-50).
[:STATe] (?)
<CPD> { ON | OFF | 0 | 1 }
: ISELection (?)
<CPD> { HIGHi | HI50turn }
OUTP [:STAT] (?) <CPD> { ON | OFF | 0 | 1 }
This command activates or deactivates the output of M142 calibrator.
ON or 1 - activates the output
OFF or 0 - deactivates the output
If query is sent, M142 returns ON if the output is active or OFF if it is inactive