MDS 1710A/C and MDS 2710A/C/D
MDS 05-3447A01, Rev. F
This command continuously displays the radio’s Received Signal
Strength Indication (RSSI) in dBm units, until you press the Enter key.
Incoming signal strengths from –50 dBm to –120 dBm can be read.
RTU [ON/OFF/0-80]
This command re-enables or disables the radio’s internal RTU simu-
lator, which runs with MDS’ proprietary polling programs (poll.exe and
rsim.exe). The internal RTU simulator is available whenever a radio has
diagnostics enabled. This command also sets the RTU address that the
radio will respond to.
The internal RTU can be used for testing system payload data or pseudo
bit error rate testing. It can also be helpful in isolating a problem to either
the external RTU or the radio.
RX [xxx.xxxxx]
This command selects or displays the radio’s receive frequency in MHz.
The frequency step size is 6.25 kHz for the MDS 2710A/C and 5.0 kHz
for the MDS 2710D.
If the customer frequency has not been programmed at the factory, a
default frequency will be programmed in the radio near the center of the
frequency band.
RXTOT [NONE, 1-255]
command selects or displays the receive time-out timer value
in minutes. This timer triggers an alarm (event 12) if data is not detected
within the specified time.
Entering the
command without a parameter displays the timer
value in minutes. Entering the
command with a parameter
ranging from 0 to 255 resets the timer in minutes. Entering the
command with the parameter
disables the timer.
SCD [0-255]
This command displays or changes the soft-carrier dekey delay in milli-
This timer specifies how long to wait after the removal of the keying
signal before actually releasing the transmitter. A value of 0 millisec-
onds will unkey the transmitter immediately after the removal of the
keying signal.
This command displays the radio’s serial number as recorded at the fac-