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P U M P S | W A T E R W O R K S | P L U M B I N G V A L V E S | G A S V A L V E S
A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co.
Water Pressure Booster System
RED light on (or flashing) and pump will not start:
1. Start pressure set to high. Remove round cover on control and adjust start pressure dial 10 – 15
psi less than maximum boosted pressure as shown on pressure gauge, and push RESET. This
unit is factory set at 50 psi.
2. Water cannot flow through pump to build pressure. Make sure all valves are open and the check
valve is in the correct orientation.
3. If installed in a suction lift application, prime could be lost. Re-prime and check for leaks on suction
side. Push the RESET button, the pump will run for 5 seconds, watch pressure gauge to make sure
that the pressure is increasing.
4. Make sure all filters are installed after the pump, Change the filter cartridges regularly.
5. This can occur if the water supply has been interrupted. The pump will automatically try a restart
15 minutes after a failure. This will occur automatically 4 times, flashing one time for every failed
restart, and then a solid RED light will be on.
BLUE light on and pump will not stop:
1. Pump stops on a flow rate less than ½ GPM. This is normal if flow is higher.
2. Possible leaks in systems such as; running toilets, humidifiers, water softeners, ice makers…
3. Plastic magnetic piston (inside brass control) could be jammed by excessive thread sealant or
debris. Loosen union nut and inspect piston. It should move freely and spring outwards (see
diagram page 4 of instruction manual).
4. To check for water leakage in the house, close the valve after pump. If pump stops, then water is
leaking somewhere after this valve. Fix leaks and open valves again.
5. If the pump has a bypass valve installed, make sure it is closed for normal operation (see
diagram page 5 of instruction manual).
17035R020PC1, 17052R020PC1, 17070R020PC2
17040C035PC2, 17062C035PC2, 17078C035PC2
Water Pressure Booster Systems