Approval :
Stainless Steel Equipment Top
- One-piece, heavy
reinforced, sanitary stainless steel top with integral
drip-proof 1/4" high “V” edge (4) sides to protect
against spills. Front to extend beyond drawers and
- Heavy gauge galvanized sub-top.
Interior Lining
- The interior shall be all aluminum,
cove-corner construction, with all joints completely
closed and sealed. Interior top and bottom shall be
one-piece, die-stamped, with 3/8" radius bends
and coved corners.
Refrigerated Drawers
- Drawers are specially
designed for storage of food products. They are to
be self-closing, full-access, lift-out type of ball bear-
ing and tracks. Drawer fronts to be stainless steel
with stainless steel, heavy-duty, recessed pull han-
dles and self-adjusting, full perimeter magnetic gas-
kets for a positive seal. Gaskets removable for ease
of cleaning. Drawer fronts to be insulated with
“one-shot,” high-pressure, poured-in-place
polyurethane. Each drawer to accommodate two
12" x 20" x 4" deep stainless steel cafeteria pans.
(Pans supplied by others) Positioning of full size
pans in the drawer is front to back. Interior pan
frame supports to be stainless steel.
Drawer Openings
- Drawer openings to have full-
perimeter, non conductive, hi-impact structural,
double-wall, safety-bevel, breaker strips to prevent
heat transfer between the metal interior liner and
the outer cabinet. There shall be no metal-to-metal
contact between the inner liner and the outside
cabinet. They shall have no exposed screws or fas-
teners and shall have a smooth, sanitary, finished
surface. Openings to have full-perimeter, mini-
mum-wattage, anti-condensate heaters located
behind the stainless steel front fascia of the cabinet
to retard condensation. The heaters shall be
indexed within the double-wall breaker for positive
location and maximum efficiency.
- Sturdy 6" high threaded single stud quick
mount sanitary adjustable “non-mar” legs are fur-
nished as standard, Heavy-duty swivel casters with
locking feature optional at extra cost.
Condensate evaporator
- Sanitary, removable,
automatic electrical condensate evaporator mount-
ed in machine compartment for easy access. No
plumbing connections or floor drains required.
Evaporator coil
- Four and six drawer models
equipped with vertical, forced air, evaporator coil
located behind mullion(s) for maximum circula-
tion. One evaporator in four drawer cabinets, two
in six drawer cabinets. Two drawer model has
space saver evaporator blower.
Refrigeration System - Self Contained Models
Hermetic system with R-134a refrigerant. Capillary
metering device, automatic adjustable thermostat
system and cabinet designed to maintain an aver-
age temperature of 38°F average internal air tem-
Condensing Unit
- Air-cooled, hermetic condens-
ing unit installed in machine compartment can
slide-out for ease of cleaning and maintenance.
Cabinet designed to allow placement against rear
Refrigeration System - Remote Models -
- All
remote cabinets are those having the condensing
unit located beyond the confines of the cabinet
(field installation). The cabinet is furnished with a
evaporator blower assembly, thermostat, expansion
valve (R-134a) and solenoid, valve only. The con-
densing unit, receiver, controls, tubing and installa-
tion are not included. Sizes of condensing unit
shall be by others in accordance with McCall rec-
McCall Refrigeration / 81 West Holly Street / Parsons, TN 38363
Phone (731) 847-5570 / Fax (731) 847-9012 / 1-888-REACH-IN (1-888-732-2446) / www.mccallrefrigeration.com
September 2001 / Printed in U.S.A.
Models: Self-contained
Stainless steel top with “V” edge
Standard Features
• “One-shot” high pressure foamed-in-place polyurethane
• Automatic defrost system
• Stainless steel fronts, drawers and exterior ends
• Full pan accessibility and capacity with 20" drawers
• Rugged, self-closing insulated drawers on heavy-duty ball
roller ball bearing tracks
• Self-closing drawers with safety stops and stay open features
• High humidity mullion diffusers
• One-piece removable magnetic gasket
NSF (STD-7-1999)
McCall Refrigeration specification sheets are available
online @ www.mccallrefrigeration.com